
News Release

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The Mayor's Message

On May 1st, a groundbreaking was held for the Avery building along NP Avenue between Old Broadway and NDSU Renaissance Hall.


The monthly Jigsaw Puzzle Social and Swap is May 18th at the Main Library starting at 9 a.m.

A Spring Plant Swap will be May 20th from 6 to 7 p.m. at the Carlson Library outside near the Library Learning Gardens. Participants can bring seed packets or plants to trade or share such as divided perennials, started garden plants or propagated slips.

Tech Help service for residents who need assistance using technology devices will be Tuesdays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Carlson Library and Wednesdays from 3 to 5 p.m. at the Main Library. During these free sessions, librarians will help residents one-on-one with technology issues with tablets, laptops, e-readers and smartphones. Residents can call the Library to set up a 30-minute appointment and drop-ins will be accommodated based on staff availability.

On May 1st, a groundbreaking was held for the Avery building along NP Avenue between Old Broadway and NDSU Renaissance Hall. The building will be the new home of the Fargo-Moorhead Community Theatre, with a new, cutting-edge theater with more than 400 seats. FMCT’s new space will have meeting rooms and common spaces accessible to the whole community to foster creativity, education and social gatherings. Along with theater space, the Avery building will have room for businesses, and it will have more than 160 new living spaces. The project includes a new parking ramp that will be owned by The City of Fargo with 472 parking spots. This is a public-private partnership that’s yet another great example of our community and business leaders collaborating to make downtown Fargo an amazing destination. Here is a short video that captures the highlights of the recent groundbreaking.