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Events Planned Throughout Community to Celebrate Earth Week

Residents are encouraged to enjoy environmentally friendly activities April 22-26


The City of Fargo invites residents to celebrate Earth Week April 22-26 by participating in a variety of green, earth-friendly activities throughout the area.

MATBUS – Get Your “Can” on the Bus
Celebrate Earth Week with MATBUS and Get Your “Can” on the Bus from Monday, April 22, to Saturday, April 27. On those days, you can ride MATBUS fixed-route vehicles for free when you recycle one empty aluminum can on the bus. All collected cans will be recycled, with the proceeds donated to the Homeward Animal Shelter.

The City of Fargo Poster Contest
The City of Fargo hosted a poster contest at Jefferson Elementary School, with the theme “Recycling Always Wins.” The winning classroom will get to have snacks with Fargo Mayor Tim Mahoney. The poster will also be featured on a billboard in Fargo during the month of May, sponsored by The City of Fargo and MinnKota EnviroServices.

Fargo Public Library Events
Join Sam Devick, a North Dakota 4-H Pollinator Habitat Ambassador, for a "blind date" with a bat at the Dr. James Carlson Library on Saturday, April 20, at 10 a.m. Participants will learn all about bats and take part in a bat-related activity. This free event is geared toward grades K-5.

Rally your relatives for monthly family trivia night on Thursday, April 25, at 6 p.m. at the Main Library. April’s trivia topic is “Big Blue Ball: Planet Earth Trivia.” Pre-registration at is required to attend this free event.

Kids in grades 1-7 are invited to star in the debut production of local playwright Annie Hough's new play “Butterfly Garden Adventures” on Saturday, April 27, at 10 a.m. at the Main Library. After making costumes and rehearsing the environmentally themed play, pizza will be provided at noon and the performance will take place at 1 p.m. Kids will read from the script, so there is no need to memorize lines. Pre-registration at is required to participate in this free event. Parents/guardians must sign and turn in a video release form before the event.

River Keepers Events
The nonprofit group River Keepers encourages residents to visit if they want to assist with cleanups and storm-drain marking to help sustain the Red River.

River Keepers is one of several organizations that will take part in Party for the Planet at the Red River Zoo on Saturday, April 20, from 11 a.m. until 4 p.m. The event features earth-friendly conservation activity stations, environmental demonstrations and educational presentations.

As part of River Keepers’ Resilient Yard Series, the group will host a Make Your Own Compost Tumbler Workshop on Tuesday, April 23, from 6 to 8 p.m. Participants will learn the basics of composting and how to construct various composting systems. Register at (limited spots available). A class fee will include supplies.

MinnKota Recycling
From April 22 through May 4, MinnKota Recycling is paying a premium price for all aluminum cans: $0.50 per pound for 1-99 pounds. If residents have over 100 pounds, MinnKota is offering $0.53 per pound. For anything more than 500 pounds, $0.55 per pound will be offered. In addition to aluminum, MinnKota pays for select recyclables. All sites purchase plastic bottles, steel & tin cans and sorted paper (including magazines and newspapers) for $0.02 per pound. Visit to learn more about hours and locations.