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The City of Fargo Releases "150 Years of Far More" State of the City Video and Interactive Webpage

Fargo Mayor Dr. Tim Mahoney focused his State of the City Address on four core themes

01/13/2022 8:15 a.m.

During the morning of Jan. 13, Fargo Mayor Dr. Tim Mahoney presented his 2022 State of the City to members of the Fargo Moorhead West Fargo Chamber of Commerce. In his address, Mayor Mahoney offered a recap of the past year and a roadmap for continued success in 2022. In conjunction with The Chamber event, the Mayor released his “150 Years of Far More” State of the City video commemorating the sesquicentennial of Fargo’s existence. The video celebrates Fargo’s successes while acknowledging the endless possibilities the future holds.

“In full recognition of our storied past and a future without limits, Fargo has identified four overarching themes (Leading the Region, Planning and Improving, Thinking Forward and Working for You, Always) to unite our public services and a commitment to the Fargo residents and businesses, which make all these efforts possible and meaningful,” stated Mayor Mahoney.

The high definition video and an interactive website is available at

Mayor Mahoney remarked, "The year of 2021 was a momentous one for The City of Fargo and every member of our community. Challenges were tackled head-on and success stories were celebrated. The near future will bring some amazing new developments. As we look to the opportunities of 2022, let us never forget our history and how Fargo shows every day that we are the Regional Leader. It was by determination, passion and the strength of the people of Fargo that we have made tremendous progress. Now that we have celebrated the first 150 years of this inclusive community, on behalf of the Fargo City Commission, I encourage everyone to consider how their actions--no matter how big or how small--can truly help to continue to showcase Fargo as a shining star and a place people are proud to call their home. Together, Fargo leads, plans, builds, engages, protects, improves and serves. Together, we are truly far more.”

Mayor Mahoney closed his presentation with the following declaration, “It is without question, the State of The City of Fargo is strong.”