With a major snow event expected today through Friday, Fargo Public Works is stressing the importance of moving all vehicles off city streets beginning at 10 p.m. on Wednesday night and continuing through 6 a.m. Saturday morning. This will ensure efficient and effective snow removal operations in Fargo.
A substantially reduced number of vehicles on the streets will allow snow removal personnel the opportunity to remove the snow as close to the curb as possible, eliminating the need to return to widen or remove ridges encircling parked vehicles. This will also allow safe passage for emergency vehicles responding to incidents.
Fargo Public Works crews are currently working to widen streets, clear alleys and remove snow caused by last weekend’s snow event. In Fargo, crews have worked more than 5,000 hours of overtime thus far this winter and returning to previously plowed streets to widen them slows the process for the entire city.
As conditions worsen Wednesday evening, crews will focus their efforts on emergency routes. Vehicles abandoned on the snow emergency routes will be impounded at the owner’s expense. Crews will begin clearing residential areas once emergency snow routes are complete. Public Works will strive to have the entire city cleared within 24 hours following the end of the storm. Some residential streets will not be cleared and widened until the full 24 hours have elapsed. The City appreciates residents’ patience as it works to clean these roads.
Public Works will continue to monitor weather and street conditions and will notify citizens of travel advisories and/or street closures throughout the storm if the need arises.