
Event Detail

Boards, Committees and Commissions Hero

Board of Equalization

Date: April 9, 2024

Time: 7:30 am - 11:00 am

Location: City Commission Chambers, City Hall, 225 4th Street North, Fargo, ND 58102 Get Directions 

The annual meeting of the Fargo City Board of Equalization will convene on Tuesday, April 9, 2024 at 7:30 a.m. in Fargo City Hall at 225 4th Street North.

The City Commission meets annually as the Board of Equalization to equalize the property tax valuations in the city. Part of this process includes offering an opportunity for individual property owners to appear before the Board regarding their property values. Those who feel that their property value for tax purposes is unfair may present their case to the Board at this meeting.

In North Dakota, the standard of value for assessment purposes is market value; this is generally considered what most properties would sell for in a normal market transaction.

Annually, assessment valuations must be adjusted to reflect what properties are selling for in order to comply with state law and ND State Board of Equalization requirements. The City accomplishes this through statistical analysis, reappraisal and value adjustments.

If anyone wishes to appear before the City Board of Equalization, it is recommended that they notify the Fargo Assessment Department prior to the meeting. Before the Board takes any action on the appeal, it will likely refer those who fail to make initial contact back to the Assessment Department.

The Assessment Department is willing to informally review the value of any property upon request of the property owner or authorized agent. If anyone would like the City to conduct a review of their property value, simply contact the Assessment Department and make a request. An appraiser will contact the property owner or authorized agent and set up an appointment to view the property and review any information relating to the value of the property.