Woodcrest Dr N Improvements (Lilac Ln to Lilac Ln)
Zone: NorthWhat zone am I?
Start: Spring 2024
Estimated Completion: Fall 2024
Current Status (Updated 6/21/2024):
The project has been delayed a few weeks due to the amount of precipitation that has been received.
Underground work on Phase 1 has been completed and the Contractor is in the process of preparing the road for curb and asphalt pavement. The Contractor will also be working on installing new driveway approaches, along with removing and replacing all of the sidewalks within Phase 1.
In early July the Contractor will begin work on Phase 2A, which is the northern stretch of the project. It is anticipated to take 60 days to complete Phase 2A.
The Contractor anticipates beginning work on Phase 2B (the southern stretch of the project) in late July.
Overall Project Map:

Overall Project Map
Project Overview:
Construction activities include the removal and replacement of the existing water main, sanitary sewer, asphalt pavement, concrete curb and gutter, sidewalks, driveway aprons, and upgrades to the storm sewer system.
This project will be constructed in phases to minimize local impacts as much as possible.
Master Construction
It is anticipated that construction will begin in the spring of 2024 with all roads reopened in the fall of 2024.
Storm sewer upgrades related to flood mitigation improvements will be funded by the Diversion Authority and will not be special assessed.
The remaining portions of the project will be funded by a combination of City Funds (Wastewater Utility Funds, Water Utility Funds, Storm Sewer Utility Funds & Infrastructure Sales Tax) and Special Assessments to the benefiting properties. Special Assessments will be applied per City policy.
The existing water main and sanitary sewer is being replaced to minimize impacts and costs associated with breaks/failures. The street reconstruction is necessary because the existing street section has deteriorated significantly and has exceeded its life expectancy.
The storm sewer upgrades are part of the ongoing flood mitigation work to combine storm sewer outfalls to the river. By combining the outfalls into one centralized location, it results in more efficient pumping of storm water runoff during periods of high water in the river.