Veterans Boulevard South Improvements (52nd Ave to 53rd Ave)
Zone: SouthWhat zone am I?
Start: June 2022
Estimated Completion: Fall 2022
Current Status (Updated 9/29/2022):
This project is substantially complete and open to traffic as of September of 2022.

Overall Project Map
Project Overview:
The project is located: On Veteran’s Boulevard South Between 52nd Avenue S and 53rd Avenue South.
This project will include full urbanization of the existing street with the installation of new underground utilities and concrete pavement.
This section of roadway will be closed the entire duration of the project. Traffic will be detoured to the east on 52nd Avenue S to 53rd Avenue S. Business access will be maintained at all times via the detour route.
Northern Improvement
Construction is anticipated to start in June of 2022 and be completed in the fall of 2022.
The project will be funded by a combination of Water Sales Tax, Cass Rural Water User District Funds and Special Assessments to the benefiting properties. Assessments will be applied per City policy.
This project is to provide infrastructure for new general commercial lots in Radio Addition as requested by the developer.