University Dr North (32nd Ave to 40th Ave)
Zone: NorthWhat zone am I?
Start: May 2021
Estimated Completion: Fall 2021
Current Status (Updated 9/23/2021):
This project was substantially completed in September of 2021.
Overall Project Map:

Project Overview:
This project included the following:
- Update University Drive (32nd Avenue North to 40th Avenue North) from a rural two-lane asphalt roadway section to a two-lane urban concrete street, including curb and gutter.
- New storm sewer system
- New water distribution improvements
- New shared use path on west side of University Drive
- New street lighting
Dakota Underground Co., Inc.
University Drive North will be closed to through traffic throughout the project. For additional details on overall project scope and detour routes please refer to the Project Resources section on the right side of this page.
The Contractor will be required to provide temporary access routes to any properties affected by closures and detours. As construction progresses, there may be changes to these temporary access routes.
- Phase 1: (32nd Avenue North to Monte Carlo Drive) to be completed by mid-July 2021
- Phase 2: (Monte Carlo Drive to 40th Avenue North) to be completed by mid-September 2021
Construction began in early May 2021 with substantial completion achieved in mid-September.
Federal Highway Funds and Special Assessments
This project is for the pavement reconstruction and utility updating along University Drive from 32nd Avenue North to 40th Avenue North. The existing street section is a rural pavement section and has exceeded its useful life.