Water Service Lowering Project: 2017
Zone: SouthWhat zone am I?
Start: July 2nd, 2018
Estimated Completion: July 27th, 2018

Overall Map
Current Status:
Construction activity began on July 2nd and is now complete.
Project Overview:
This project will lower the water service from the City’s water main to each individual property's shut off valve, which is typically found in the boulevard. The water service will be lowered to a minimum depth of 7.5’ below surface grade (which will place it below frost depth) by means of boring a new service from the water main to the shut off valve. A new shut off valve will also be installed at this time.
Dirt Dynamics
- Beginning July 2nd, 2018, 5th Avenue South will be closed to through traffic for a period of up to two weeks. The detour path will route traffic to 6th Avenue South using 17th Street and 16th Street. For detailed detour routing, please refer to the Detour maps located in the Project Resources section on the right side of this page.
- Beginning July 2nd, 2018, 5th Street South will be closed to through traffic for a period of up to two weeks. The detour path will route traffic to 6th Street South from 13th Avenue South to 16th Avenue South. For detailed detour routing, please refer to the Detour maps located in the Project Resources section on the right side of this page.
Construction activity began on July 2nd and is scheduled to be substantially complete on July 27th, 2018.
The 2017 Water Service Lowering Project (City of Fargo Project number UR-17-C1) is 100% City funded through the Water Utility Fund.
To lower the existing water service line within the City right-of-way to reduce the risk of freezing.