Seal Coat Project: 2018
Zone: South, NorthWhat zone am I?
Start: June 20th, 2018
Estimated Completion: Fall 2018

Overall Map
Current Status:
All work on the seal coat project has been completed.
Project Overview:
The Seal Coat Project is part of the City's annual infrastructure improvement efforts and impacts multiple areas of Fargo each construction season. Seal coat projects extend the life of asphalt pavement and provide a more traffic and weather resistant surface. It involves spraying an asphalt emulsion on the pavement surface, immediately followed by a rock chip application that is embedded into the emulsion. The 2018 Seal Coat Project will take place in 19 different sections across the City.
Traffic will be maintained during construction, but short-term lane closures and parking restrictions are required to allow for the seal coat project to be performed on the full width asphalt roadways. This work will be performed on streets and avenues in various areas of the City. Please refer to the project's Overall Map above for the impacted areas. Alternatively, you can also view the PDF version of the Seal Coat 2018 Overall Map.
Astech Corp.
Construction began Thursday June 21st, 2018 and will continue throughout the summer. At times, work may be performed intermittently due to contractor scheduling and weather delays. All seal coat improvements are scheduled to be completed by fall of 2018.
The total project cost ($952,008) will be funded through a combination of seven separate Special Assessment Districts and the City’s Street Rehabilitation Fund. The funding split is as follows:
- Street Rehabilitation Funds (80%): $763,766
- Street Rehabilitation Funds will fund the twelve sections scheduled for routine seal coat maintenance (Sections 8 through 19 on the Overall Map above)
- Special Assessments (20%): $188,242
- Special Assessments will fund the seven sections scheduled for their first seal coat application (Sections 1 through 7 on the Overall Map above)
The City's annual Seal Coat Project extends the pavement life of the City's asphalt roadways and helps reduce wear routinely caused by weather and traffic. This project will ultimately save the City and its residents money, time, and resources in the future by performing preventative maintenance today.