Mill & Overlay Project: 2019
Zone: South, Downtown, NorthWhat zone am I?
Start: May 2019
Estimated Completion: September 2019

Overall South Side Map

Overall North Side Map
Current Status:
- North Side Project (Updated September 30th, 2019): This project was substantially completed in September of 2019.
- South Side Project (Updated September 30th, 2019): This project was substantially completed in September of 2019.
Project Overview:
The mill & overlay program is part of the City's annual infrastructure improvement efforts and impacts multiple areas of Fargo each construction season. The purpose of these projects is to correct roadway deficiencies which have appeared over time.
As part of these projects, the Contractor will be mudjacking sections of the curb and gutter in an effort to alleviate major drainage problems. This process involves coring small holes through the curb and gutter section (and driveway apron when necessary) and injecting grout through holes to raise the gutter to the desired grade.
The Contractor will replace areas of broken up pavement, as well as a limited amount of curb & gutter. Select sections of sidewalk will also be updated to meet the current standards set forth by the Americans with Disabilities Act. The 2019 projects will take place in ten different areas.
Traffic will be maintained during construction, but short-term lane closures, parking restrictions, and sidewalk closures are required to safely accommodate construction activity.
Construction activity will be performed in ten separate areas of the City. To view the affected areas, please refer to the Overall Project Maps via the Project Resources section on the right side of this page.
- South Side Project: FM Asphalt
- North Side Project: Northern Improvement
- South Side Project: Construction will begin in May of 2019 and will continue throughout the summer, with substantial completion scheduled for the end of August.
- North Side Project: Construction will begin in May of 2019 and will continue throughout the summer, with substantial completion scheduled for the middle of September.
The projects will be funded with 50% City Funds & 50% Special Assessments to benefiting properties within each of the ten areas.
Fargo Parcels is a good resource for viewing the current estimated special assessments for your property. Property owners will receive an estimate for their property. The estimate will change once the project is bid and completed. Special Assessments are payable over 15 years with interest applied.
These projects are needed to correct deficiencies on the asphalt roadways that have appeared over time. Most of the roads within these projects have not had any structural work done to them for 20 years or more. By performing the mill and overlay at this time we can extend the life of the roads while achieving a smoother riding surface with improved drainage.