23rd Avenue South Construction
Zone: SouthWhat zone am I?
Start: May 2019
Estimated Completion: September 2019

Overall Map
Current Status:
The 23rd Ave S roadway construction project is substantially complete and fully open to traffic. Due to a material delivery delay, the traffic signal system for the intersection of 23rd Ave and 42nd St S will not be installed until the spring of 2020.
Project Overview:
The planned work for this project includes the new construction of paved roadways, sidewalks, and incidentals on 23rd Avenue South from 42nd Street to 38th Street and on 41st Street South from 23rd Avenue to 24th Avenue. In addition, new traffic signals and concrete pavement will be installed at the 23rd Avenue & 42nd Street intersection.
- Upon project start, traffic along 42nd Street South between 24th Avenue & approx. 22nd Avenue will be reduced to one lane in each direction with reduced speeds.
- The lane closure, which is scheduled to last approximately 3-4 weeks, is needed in order to allow the Contractor to safely perform the project's intersection improvements at 23rd Avenue & 42nd Street.
Dakota Underground Company
The project is scheduled to begin in late May, with substantial project completion scheduled for September 6, 2019.
This project will be funded through a combination of Special Assessment and General Infrastructure funds.
The purpose of this project is to install the infrastructure required for any future development planned for the southwest quadrant of the I-29 & I-94 interchange. The project also allows for the connection to existing infrastructure, as well as intersection improvements at 23rd Avenue South and 42nd Street.