2nd Avenue N Reconstruction: Roberts Alley to 7th St.
Zone: DowntownWhat zone am I?
Start: June 2017
Estimated Completion: October 2017

Current Project Map

Adjacent Project: Roberts Street Alley Reconstruction

2nd Ave. N Project Map Overview
Project Overview:
This project will completely reconstruction 2nd Avenue N from the Roberts Alley to 7th Street N, and includes water main replacement and street lighting improvements. Project work will impact 2nd Street through that stretch, as well as portions of the alleys and intersections.
During the project, 2nd Avenue N will be closed, as well as Roberts Alley from 1st Avenue to 4th Avenue for portions of the project. The alley will be temporarily closed to all thru traffic at its entrances, and drivers will not be able to access the alley for deliveries or garbage removal. Instead, they are encouraged to temporarily use Broadway where there will be no penalties for blocking parking spaces short-term while the alley is closed.
Sidewalks will be maintained on the south side of 2nd Avenue through the project, but the road and parking spaces will be impacted. Pedestrians and motorists will first notice impacts from the alley through the Roberts Street intersection. Once that portion is complete, contractors will work on the section of the road from Roberts St. to 7th St. N. This area is in front of the post office and federal building, so the city is currently looking at alternative parking options for visitors during this phase. Pedestrian access to these locations will be maintained at all times.
During reconstruction work, traffic will be detoured to 1st Ave. or 4th Ave. and 4th St. N.
The project began July 5th and should wrap up by late October.
The pavement through this stretch is deteriorating and has not been completely reconstructed since it was built in 1912. The city has patched some problem areas, but it is time for long term improvements. The existing water mains here are cast iron and were installed more than 100 years ago.
The estimated cost for this project is about $1.8 million. The project will be funded by a combination of:
- Infrastructure Sales Tax
- Water Main Funds
- Sanitary Sewer Funds
- Special Assessments
Assessments will be applied per City policy for the water main replacement, street reconstruction, and street lights.