17th Street South Improvements (21st Ave to 25th Ave)
Zone: SouthWhat zone am I?
Start: May 11, 2020
Estimated Completion: October 2020

Current Status:
This project reached substantial completion in the fall of 2020.

Overall Map
Project Overview:
The project includes the removal and replacement of the existing water main and upgrading the storm sewer system. New asphalt pavement, concrete curb and gutter, sidewalks, and street lights will also be installed.
An informational meeting was held Tuesday, February 11, 2020, at 5:30 PM in the City Commission Room at City Hall, 225 4th Street North, Fargo. The meeting was recorded and can be viewed below. Additionally, the meeting video and a PDF of the presentation slides can be viewed via the Project Resources section located on the right side of this page.
The project will be constructed in phases to minimize local impacts as much as possible. However, 17th Street South from 21st Avenue to 25th Avenue will be closed to through traffic for the duration of the project. The project phases include:
- Phase One: 25th Avenue South between 18th Street to 16th Street South
- 25th Avenue South between 16th Street and 17th Street will be closed for a short duration of two weeks to accommodate storm sewer installation and road construction.
- Phase Two: 17th Street South between 21st Avenue to 25th Avenue South
- Work on 17th Street South will be divided into three sections to maintain residential access as much as possible.
- Phase Three: 25th Avenue South between 18th Street to 14th Street South
- Temporary lane closures will be in place during the mill and overlay portion of this project.
Detour Route: Drivers will be detour to 18th Street to 27th Avenue South to 15th Street South
Sidewalk access will be maintained at all times during project work.
Access to some driveways will be restricted during construction activities. Residents whose driveways will be restricted during construction, will need to park on side Streets/Avenues as applicable. A notice will be delivered door to door a couple days before construction starts, notifying you that you won’t access to your driveway.
Northern Improvement
Construction is slated to begin the week of May 11, with completion scheduled for October 2020.
This project will be funded through a combination of Water Main Utility Funds, Street Sales Tax, & Special Assessments.
- The existing water main is asbestos cement pipe, which was installed over 40 years ago and is being replaced to minimize impacts and costs associated with breaks.
- The reconstruction of the 17th Street South roadway is necessary due to the deterioration of the existing street section, which was installed in 1972 with street patching done throughout the years.
- The reconstruction will include asphalt street paving, gravel base, curb and gutter, storm sewer, driveway approaches, street lights, and sidewalks.