EOLA Addition Infrastructure Construction
Zone: SouthWhat zone am I?
Start: August 2021
Estimated Completion: Summer 2022
Current Status (Updated 10/3/2022):
This project is substantially complete and fully open to traffic.
Overall Project Map:

Project Overview:
This project will include the following:
- New traffic signals at 45th Street South and Amber Valley Parkway intersection
- New concrete street (24th Avenue South, east of 45th Street)
- New water main, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer
- New street lighting
- New sidewalk along 24th Aveenue South
- New shared use path on the east side of 45th Street South between 24th and 26th Avenue
Dakota Underground Co., Inc.
- The intersection of Amber Valley Parkway and 45th Street will be closed for up to 14 days.
- At times, traffic along 45th Street will experience lane reductions.
Underground utility construction began on August 30th, 2021 and was completed in early October. The new concrete roadway, streetlights, sidewalks, and traffic signals will be constructed in 2022, with substantial completion scheduled for July of 2022.
This project will be funded by Special Assessments and General Infrastructure TIF funds.
The construction of this project, as requested by the developer, will provide infrastructure for new commercial and residential properties within EOLA Addition.