7th Avenue North Improvements (University to Broadway)
Zone: NorthWhat zone am I?
Start: April 2021
Estimated Completion: Fall 2021
Current Status (Updated 9/3/2021):
This project was substantially completed in late summer 2021 and all roads are now fully open to traffic.

Overall Project Map
Project Overview:
Construction activities include the removal and replacement of the existing water main, sanitary sewer repairs, upgrades to the storm sewer system, new concrete pavement, new concrete curb and gutter, new sidewalks, and new traffic signals at University Drive.
An informational meeting was held Thursday, January 7th, 2021, at 5:00 PM in the City Commission Room at City Hall, 225 4th Street North, Fargo. The meeting was recorded and can be viewed below. Additionally, the meeting video and a PDF of the presentation slides can be viewed via the Project Resources section located on the right side of this page.
Northern Improvement
The project will be constructed in phases to minimize local impacts as much as possible. However, through traffic on 7th Avenue North between University Drive and Broadway will be closed for the duration of the project.
Project work will be split into the following phases:
- Phase 1: 7th Avenue North at University Drive - Up to 30 Days allowed for this closure.
- Phase 2: 7th Avenue North from University Drive through 12th Street - Up to 35 Days allowed for this closure.
- Phase 3: 7th Avenue North east of 12th Street to 10th Street - Up to 60 Days allowed for this closure.
- Phase 4: 12th Street North, south of 7th Avenue - Up to 10 Days allowed for this closure.
- Phase 5: 11th Street North, south of 7th Avenue - Up to 10 Days allowed for this closure.
- Phase 6: 7th Avenue North 10th Street through 9th Street - Up to 50 Days allowed for this closure.
- Phase 7: 7th Avenue North from 8th Street up to 7th Street - Up to 60 Days allowed for this closure.
- Phase 8: 7th Avenue North from 7th Street to Broadway - Up to 35 Days allowed for this closure.
- East bound 7th Avenue North traffic will be detoured to 4th Avenue North via University Drive North.
- West bound 7th Avenue North traffic will be detoured to 8th Avenue North via Broadway.
Construction began in April 2021 and all roads were fully reopened by late August.
This project will be funded through a combination of State Prairie Dog Funds, Waste Water Utility Funds, Water Utility Funds and Special Assessments.
- This stretch of roadway has aging pavement and underground utilities that have been subject to numerous unscheduled repairs through the years.
- Roadway realignment at 8th Street.
- The project will include up-sizing the water main on 7th Avenue North to 16" diameter pipe from Broadway to 11th Street. The up-sized pipe, in conjunction with various water tower upgrades, is a critical component in providing north Fargo with a reliable water supply.