64th Avenue South Construction (25th St to 45th St)
Zone: SouthWhat zone am I?
Start: Spring 2021
Estimated Completion: Fall 2022
Current Status (Updated 10/27/2022):
This project is now substantially complete and open to traffic.
The second phase of the 64th Ave S project (2021 & 2022 construction) was completed in the fall of 2022 (Ames Construction).
The first phase of this project (25th St S to 33rd St S) was completed by Dakota Underground during the 2020 construction season.

Overall Map
Project Overview:
2021 & 2022 project improvements:
- Sanitary sewer system installation
- Storm sewer system installation
- Water distribution installation
- Pedestrian tunnel under 64th Ave near 37th Ave S to allow for grade
separated pedestrian crossing - Shared use paths on both sides of 64th Ave
- Street lighting
2020 project improvements included:
- 64th Avenue South (25th Street South to 33rd Street South) conversion from a rural two-lane gravel roadway section to a three-lane urban concrete street
- Installation of concrete curb & gutter
- The center lane as a designated left turn lane
- Existing steel culverts replaced with a new concrete box culvert at Drain 53
- Storm sewer system improvements
- Water distribution improvements
- Pedestrian tunnel under 64th Ave near Drain 53 to allow for safe pedestrian crossing
- Shared use pedestrian paths on both sides of 64th Ave
- Concrete driveway approaches (extended to property line)
- Street lighting
2021 & 2022 Impacts:
- Existing I-29 west frontage road will be closed to thru traffic for the
duration of the project - 64th Avenue between 25th St and 33rd St will remain open during the
duration of the project but will experience increased construction traffic - I 29 will experience the following impacts:
- Reduced speeds and shoulder closures in 2021 and 2022
- Nighttime closures (estimated 9 PM to 5 AM for 8 days) in 2022 for
bridge construction. There will be a posted detour during the nighttime closures.
2021 & 2022 Construction: Ames Construction
2020 Construction: Dakota Underground Co.
- 2021 Construction
- Underground utilities and grading/earthwork complete by fall 2021
- 2022 Construction
- Concrete paving and bridge construction complete by October 2022
2021 & 2022 Construction: The project will be funded by a combination of City Funds, Cass Rural Water Funds, Federal Funds, and Special Assessments to the benefiting properties. Assessments will be applied per City policy.
2020 Construction: The project was funded by a combination of City Funds, Cass Rural Water Funds, and Special Assessments to the benefiting properties.
The purpose of the project is to improve system linkage to allow for the safe and efficient movement of people and goods. The project is identified in transportation planning documents, whereby 64th Avenue South is anticipated to become a minor arterial roadway. The project is needed to improve 64th Avenue South between 33rd Street and 38th Street South, with improvements eventually extending west to 45th Street South with an urban section with bicycle/pedestrian facilitates to accommodate future growth of the City of Fargo.