21st Street South Improvements (9th Ave to 13th Ave)
Zone: SouthWhat zone am I?
Start: Spring 2022
Estimated Completion: Fall 2022
Current Status (Updated 10/3/2022):
This project is substantially complete and fully open to traffic.
Overall Project Map:

Project Overview:
This project will include the following:
- New asphalt street
- New water main, sanitary sewer main, and storm sewer inlets and leads
- New sidewalks
- New street lighting
The project will be divided into two phases. This will help reduce how long the street will be closed. Phase 1 will include the work from 13th Avenue to 11th Avenue and Phase 2 will include the work from 11th Avenue to 9th Avenue.
Construction is anticipated to start in May of 2022 and completed by the end of September 2022.
Key Contracting
Wastewater Utility Funds, Water Utility Funds, and Special Assessments
This project will install needed infrastructure upgrades and will correct deficiencies on the streets that have appeared over time. The finished product will provide better water and sewer distribution, a better-constructed roadway, improved street lighting and improvements to sidewalks.