21st Ave South Improvements (Gold Dr to 15th St)
Zone: SouthWhat zone am I?
Start: Spring 2022
Estimated Completion: Fall 2022
Current Status (Updated 11/16/2022):
The project reached substantial completion in early November of 2022 and is now fully opened to traffic.

Overall Project Map
Project Overview:
The project includes the removal and replacement of the existing water main, upgrading the storm sewer system, new asphalt pavement, concrete curb and gutter, sidewalks, a shared use path, and street lights.
An informational meeting was held Tuesday, January 12, 2021, at 5:00 PM in the City Commission Room at City Hall, 225 4th Street North, Fargo. The meeting was recorded and can be viewed below. Additionally, the meeting video and a PDF of the presentation slides can be viewed via the Project Resources section located on the right side of this page.
Border States Paving
The project will be constructed in phases to minimize local impacts as much as possible. The project phases include:
- Phase 1: 21st Avenue South from Gold Drive to the property at #1920
- Underground and Street Reconstruction
- Up to 40 days for completion
- Phase 2: 21st Avenue South from the property at #1920 to the property at #1800 (Medical Center)
- Underground and Street Reconstruction
- Up to 40 days for completion
- Phase 3: 21st Avenue South #1800 (Medical Center) to 16th Street
- Underground and Street Reconstruction
- Up to 57 days for completion
- Phase 4: 21st Avenue South 16th Street to 150’ east of 15th Street
- Underground and Street Reconstruction
- Up to 57 days for completion
Though originally scheduled to be completed in 2021, this project has been significantly delayed due to material supply shortages. Construction began Monday, August 30th, with the Contractor only performing work on Phase 4 (between 15th and 16th Street) in 2021. The remainder of the project will be completed in 2022.
This project will be funded by a combination of Wastewater Utility Funds, Water Utility Funds, Sales Tax, State Funds, and Special Assessments
- The existing water main is asbestos cement pipe, which was installed over 40 years ago and is being replaced to minimize impacts and costs associated with breaks.
- The street reconstruction is necessary because the existing asphalt street section has deteriorated significantly and has exceeded its life expectancy.
- The reconstruction will include asphalt street paving, gravel base, curb and gutter, storm sewer, driveway approaches, street lights, sidewalks, and a shared use path.