18th Avenue South (42nd St to 39th St) & 40th Street South (19th Ave to 17th Ave) Improvements
Zone: SouthWhat zone am I?
Start: May 2022
Estimated Completion: Fall 2022
Current Status (Updated 9/26/2022):
This project has reached substantial completion and is open to traffic.

Project Phasing Map

Overall Map
Project Overview:
The project is located on 18th Avenue South from 42nd Street to 39th Street and on 40th Street South from 19th Avenue to 17th Avenue. This project will include a full street reconstruction and incidentals.
An informational meeting was held Thursday, February 17, 2022, at 5:00 PM in the City Commission Room at City Hall, 225 4th Street North, Fargo. The meeting was recorded and can be viewed below. Additionally, the meeting video and a PDF of the presentation slides can be viewed via the Project Resources section located on the right side of this page.
Northern Improvement
This project will be divided into four phases:
1. Phase 1 - 18th Avenue South from 42nd St. to 40th St.
2. Phase 2 - 40th Street South from 19th Ave. to 18th Ave.
3. Phase 3 - 18th Avenue South from 40th St. to 39th St.
4. Phase 4 - 40th Street South from 17th Ave. to 18th Ave.
Driveway access will be maintained as long as possible, but access will not be possible at all times.
Construction is anticipated to start in May of 2022 and be completed in fall of 2022.
The project will be funded by a combination of Streets Sales Tax and Special Assessments to benefiting properties. Assessments will be applied per City policy.
The street reconstruction is necessary because the existing asphalt street section has deteriorated significantly and has exceeded its life expectancy. Reconstruction will include asphalt street paving, gravel base, drain tile, curb and gutter, and ADA ramps.