13th Avenue South Concrete Repair
Zone: SouthWhat zone am I?
Start: Spring 2022
Estimated Completion: Summer 2022
Current Status (Updated 5/26/2022):
Work on Phase 2 (21st Street to 25th Street South) began Monday, May 2nd and was substantially completed as of Thursday, May 26th.
Work on Phase 1 (25th Street to 28th Street South) was completed in 2021.

Overall Map
One lane of traffic in each direction on 13th Avenue will be maintained at all times. North and south bound traffic at various intersections will be restricted or detoured at times and various sections of sidewalk will be closed to allow construction to take place.
- Phase 1: 13th Avenue from 25th Street to 28th Street. This phase was completed in 2021.
- Phase 2: 13th Avenue from 21st Street to 25th Street. The contractor will have up to 30 days to complete this section. This phase must be completed no later than June of 2022.
Dakota Underground Company
It is anticipated that construction will resume in the spring of 2022 with substantial project completion scheduled for summer of 2022.
Combination of City Sales Tax Fund, State Funds, and Special Assessments to the benefiting properties.
This purpose of this project is to correct deficiencies which have appeared over the life of this 20-year-old concrete pavement. Joint and random spalls, longitudinal and transverse cracking, pavement blowouts, and pavement deterioration are present on these pavement sections. The proposed project will aid in extending the useful life of this pavement by replacing the deteriorated pavement and restoring its structural integrity, therefore delaying future deterioration and improving ride quality.
In addition to pavement repairs, the Contractor will also be replacing various sections of sidewalk that have become uneven or need to be updated to meet the current standards of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Miscellaneous Info:
In CPR projects, crews remove deficient areas of the driving surface and replace them with new concrete pavement. Affected sections of the roadway will re-open to traffic once designed comprehensive strength has been achieved on the new concrete.