
Far More is Happening Here

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13 1/2 St S (16th Ave to 17th Ave) Improvements

Zone: SouthWhat zone am I?


Start: Spring 2024

Estimated Completion: Fall 2024

Current Status (Updated 3/7/2025):

This project is substantially complete, with sidewalk installation on the east side of the road remaining in 2025.

Overall Project Map:

13 1/2 St S Project Map
13 1/2 St S Project Map

Overall Project Map

Project Overview:

This project is for the replacement of the water services, sanitary sewer main and services, street reconstruction, sidewalk, driveways, and incidentals.


This project and road closure will be constructed with minimal local impact to surrounding residents and businesses.


Master Construction


It is anticipated that construction will begin in the spring of 2024 with the road reopened in the fall of 2024.


See the Informational Public Meeting Video for further description and funding information. Because this project is a result of adjacent redevelopment, the only cost that will be special assessed to the property owners on the west side of the street will be the sanitary sewer replacement including services capped at $43.30 per front foot. The remaining cost will be City of Fargo Funded. Reconstruction will include asphalt street paving, gravel base, curb and gutter, driveway approaches and sidewalks.


This project began as an agreement between the City of Fargo and the developer of the new BLOC development. Instead of the developer needing to excavate into the roadway and eliminate and patch 8 services on the east side of the roadway, the developer agreed to pay for half of the street reconstruction and sanitary sewer cost, and all costs to terminate water services on the east half of the roadway. Because this project is a result of adjacent redevelopment, the only cost that will be special assessed to the property owners on the west side of the street will be the sanitary sewer replacement including services capped at $43.30 per front foot. The remaining cost will be City of Fargo Funded. Reconstruction will include asphalt street paving, gravel base, curb and gutter, driveway approaches and sidewalks.

Public Meeting Video (April 22, 2024):