
Update Detail

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Lane Closure on 52nd Avenue South to Begin March 13


Beginning Monday, March 13, the westbound right turn lane on 52nd Ave. S. will be closed at University Dr. S. The closure is to allow for construction access to the river corridor north of 52nd Ave. S. This closure is anticipated to remain in place for approximately three weeks.

The lane closure on 52nd Ave. S. is linked with an erosion and bank stabilization project being undertaken by The City of Fargo. This project has been developed to mitigate the erosion currently being experienced on the bank of the Red River north of 52nd Ave. S. This erosion has caused a portion of the riverbank to fail which subsequently caused damage to the existing University Dr. S. floodwall. A structural review of the floodwall has been completed and was found to be structural sufficient to continue to withstand the flood levels for which it was designed. Repairs to the floodwall will be necessary and completed at a later date. The current project being undertaken will armor the riverbank with rock riprap for the length of the failure area. Placement of this rock riprap will limit further erosion from occurring, which will reduce further movement of the riverbank and mitigate further damage to the floodwall.

Construction beginning on March 13 will consist of removing trees along the river’s edge where the rock riprap will be placed. It is anticipated the tree removal will be completed by the end of March at which point the project will be suspended in order to comply with permit conditions of working within the river during the fish spawning season. Construction is anticipated to resume in early July and scheduled to be substantially completed by the end of the year.