Zone: South
Project: 52nd Avenue Reconstruction Project
Ahead of evening rush hour, today, November 27, contractors for City of Fargo’s 52nd Avenue South roadway and infrastructure improvement project will remove all lane closures throughout the project limits. Crews are completing a final sidewalk pour in the northeast corner of the 45th Street South intersection today. Once this area has cured the additional dedicated westbound right-turn lane at the 45th St S intersection will open to traffic.
The new traffic signals at Veterans Boulevard and 63rd Street South are operational and the all-way stops at the intersections have been removed. The posted speed limit through the area will be 45 mph.
Project work first began on March 1 with bridge work over Drain 27. In April, crews began the close to two miles of 52nd Ave S construction to turn this roadway from a rural two-lane roadway to a four-lane divided roadway with dedicated turn lanes. The project benefits include:
- ADDITIONAL DRIVING LANES: Two driving plus turn lanes were added between 45th St S through 63rd St S in each direction
- SAFER SIDE STREET CROSSINGS: RCUT intersections were added at 47th Street South, 53rd Street South, and 53rd Avenue South. Benefits of an RCUT intersection:
- Eliminates dangerous left-turn and cross traffic movements (T-Bone)
- Offers a well-defined access to the arterial roadway
- Cost effective and safe solution for smaller intersections that don’t qualify for a signal system
- PROTECTED PEDESTRIAN CROSSINGS: Intersection of 63rd St S, Veterans Blvd, and 45th St S
- UPGRADED CITY SERVICES: New storm sewer and water underground, street lighting, and new shared used path along both sides of 52nd Ave S and underneath the new drain 27 bridges
“By improving the traffic flow and adding pedestrian facilities along 52nd Avenue South, the project benefits will support the growing residential and business population in south Fargo,” said Jeremy Gorden, Transportation Division Engineer for the City of Fargo. “We understand project work can be disruptive, thank you to all the residents and businesses located near 52nd Avenue South for your patience and cooperation this construction season.”
Throughout the project, sidewalk and drainage design is being re-evaluated to ensure sidewalk placement doesn’t impact existing drainage and future development. Work to complete the new multi-use paths, landscaping, and profile corrections were moved to a 2020 completion date along with modifications to the signal system at 45th St S.
The project was funded with a combination of funds from Federal Highway, Cass County Highway, SE Cass Water Resource District, City of West Fargo, and City of Fargo sales tax and special assessment. The estimated construction costs are about $19.2 million.
**Please remember all schedules are tentative and weather dependent.