Zone: South
Project: I-94 & South University Drive Interchange Project
Beginning Monday, July 16, in the afternoon contractors for the North Dakota Department of Transportation (NDDOT) Fargo District and City of Fargo Interstate 94 (I-94) and South University Drive interchange reconstruction project will shift traffic control to allow for enough room for median removals and machine pave to occur in the center of South University Drive north of I-94 bridge. The northbound lane reduction will also allow crews to remove a portion of the inside driving lane to pave the new northbound driving lanes north of the westbound off-ramp. Work is slated to be complete by the beginning of the next week, week of July 23. The closed northbound driving lane will reopen to allow for two lanes of traffic in each direction and until traffic is diverted onto the new concrete roadway in the next phase.
Next week the changes for South University Drive motorists will be:
- Northbound traffic on South University Drive reduces from two lanes to one driving lane from Oak Manor Avenue South to 18th Avenue South
South University Drive southbound traffic will not shift and continue to have two driving lanes open.
Next week the changes for I-94 motorists will be:
- Eastbound I-94 traffic exiting to northbound South University Drive will be reduced from two left turn lanes to one left turn lane
As a reminder, turning movements out from the west side business driveways and 18th Avenue South intersection access has changed with the head-to-head traffic shift.
18TH AVENUE SOUTH AND SOUTH UNIVERSITY DRIVE TRAFFIC SIGNAL – The detoured single lane of eastbound traffic is slated to reopen by end of next week, Friday July 20, weather permitting.
- Detour from eastbound 18th Avenue South: At South University Drive intersection turn left to travel north to 17th Avenue South then right on 17th Avenue to 11th Street South to 18th Avenue South
- Detour from northbound and southbound South University Drive: Turn left/right at 17th Avenue South to 11th Street S to 18th Avenue South
- Northbound South University Drive: All turning movements are restricted at 18th Avenue South during the intersection work
- Left-turns are restricted for both north and southbound traffic
- Southbound traffic can turn right to 18th Avenue South
- Access right-in/right-out to South University Drive
- Northbound motorists are not able to cross over traffic and turn left into west side driveways
- Best route to access driveways is via side streets off 13th ½ Avenue South
Currently two lanes of traffic are open on the west side of the roadway for both directions on the existing pavement. Crews are working on underground and additional utilities on the north portion east side of the roadway. Access to South University from I-94 remains open to both directions.
The sidewalk on the west side of South University Drive from 18th Avenue to under I-94 is closed to pedestrians as crews work on the northwest interchange quadrant. The detour for pedestrians is east of South University Drive by use of 17th Avenue South to 9th Street South to use the Lincoln Tunnel under I-94 to 21st Avenue South.
The reconstruction project work on the east side of South University will continue for the next two – three weeks to complete removals, underground and paving operations.
- Traffic will then shift to be carried on the east side of South University Drive on the new concrete roadway.
- Crews will begin reconstructing the west side of the roadway.
- Once complete, traffic will then shift to the outside of each side of South University Drive in their respective direction of travel to allow crews to work in the center of the roadway.
Flaggers are present to assist with truck traffic moving in and out of the work zone. Motorists may experience brief delays. If an alternative route is available, motorists are encouraged to use these routes to help those traveling through or turning into driveways found in the work zone. Speeds are reduced to 25 mph.