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9th Avenue and 10th Street North Intersection Opens to Cross Traffic and Next Intersection Improvements Begin Monday


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Zone: North
Project:10th Street North Reconstruction Project

Contractors for the North Dakota Department of Transportation (NDDOT) Fargo District and City of Fargo 10th Street North road reconstruction and infrastructure improvement project are close to completing one of the intersection improvements. Starting the week of July 16, 10th Street North the next phase of intersection work will begin changing access for drivers on the north portion of the work zone.
Intersection changes for Monday, July 16:

  • 9th Avenue North Intersection – OPENS to cross traffic
  • 10th Avenue North Intersection – CLOSES to cross traffic
  • 8th Avenue Intersection – CLOSES to cross traffic
    Intersection changes for Wednesday, July 18:
  • 11th Avenue North Intersection – CLOSES to cross traffic

Crews are working in the 700 and 1000 blocks of the 10th Street North reconstruction project on underground utilities while paving operations continue between 8th – 10th Avenues. Crews also continue work under the railroad underpass on the new lift station.

After Wednesday, traffic will be able to cross 10th Street North at the following intersections:

  • 6th Avenue North
  • 7th Avenue North
  • 9th Avenue North

10th Street North between 4th – 11th Avenues is not accessible to drivers. Local-traffic only is maintained in the blocks between 11th – 12th Avenues where crews have not started breaking up existing roadway.

Throughout the duration of the reconstruction and infrastructure improvement project:

  • DRIVER DETOUR ROUTE: University Drive between 4th – 12th Avenue North, one-lane in each direction with left-hand turn lanes
  • BIKE DETOUR ROUTE: 11th Street North, 4th and 6th Avenue North, and Roberts Street
  • SIDEWALKS: Maintained for use on both sides of 10th Street North including the west sidewalk through the railroad underpass

As a reminder, this construction project is to replace aging infrastructure and continuing the city-wide effort to upgrade services for residents and businesses on 10th Street North from 4th Avenue North to 12th Avenue North. By the completion of the project in late fall, north Fargo drivers, residents and businesses will have new concrete driving surface, new curb and gutter, street lights, sidewalks, city utilities, new lift station and the installation of a 30” sanitary sewer force main throughout the project limits.

Visit NDDOT Fargo District Facebook post to view the drive for northbound 10th Street N traffic carried on University Drive.

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