Zone: South
Project: 13th Avenue Reconstruction Project
On Friday, July 6, crews will remove traffic control devices and fully open the 13th Avenue and 45th Street South intersection to motorists. Crews have been working to reconstruct sections of deteriorated concrete through the intersection for the last two and half weeks. One westbound through lane and one northbound left lane will remain closed to guide drivers into the single open westbound driving lane through the project.
Later this evening, crews will open the south side of the intersection of 13th Avenue and 50th Street Southwest in Fargo. All turning movements onto 13th Avenue from the intersection will be restored and motorists will drive on gravel through the intersection until paving operations begin.
On the south side of the intersection of 13th Avenue and 16th Street East in West Fargo there will be a short-term intersection closure as crews pull storm sewer through the intersection on Monday, July 9. During the short-term intersection closure, motorists are not allowed to turn on to the main line of 13th Avenue from the south side. Once work is completed the turning movements on to 13th Avenue from the intersection will be restored. Project work is expected to last for two days and the intersection will open to drivers once the underground work is complete.
On 13th Avenue between 45th Street South in Fargo to 12th Street East in West Fargo, traffic will continue to be carried head-to-head, plus turn lanes, on the north side of the street through the work zone. All other intersections will remain open as crews continue with construction activity on the south side of the street.
ACCESS CHANGE – Thursday, July 5
- LOCATION: Intersection of 50th Street Southwest and 13th Avenue –south side
- CHANGE: Access to 13th Avenue is OPEN
- REOPENING: Thursday, July 5, weather permitting
- PROJECT WORK: Crews began work to prepare for concrete pavement on the south side of the intersection.
- LOCATION: Intersection of 45th Street and 13th Avenue
- CHANGE: Intersection of 45th Street and 13th Avenue is fully OPEN
- REOPENING: Friday, July 6, weather permitting
- PROJECT WORK: Crews replaced sections of existing pavement that has started to deteriorate with new concrete pavement to extend the overall life of the intersection.
ACCESS CHANGE – Monday, July 9
- LOCATION: Intersection of 16th Street East and 13th Avenue –south side
- CHANGE: Access to 13th Avenue is temporarily closed
- REOPENING: Tuesday, July 10, weather permitting
- PROJECT WORK: Crews will be installing new storm sewer on the south side of the intersection.
TRAFFIC CONTROL – Phase 2, the current traffic phase will continue until late July
Work zone: 13th Avenue between 45th Street South in Fargo to 12th Street East in West Fargo
Traffic control: Motorist are carried side-by-side on the north side of the roadway
- One driving lane plus dedicated left turn lane each direction
- Access to surrounding side streets
- Business access is maintained
- Southside of the roadway
- Sidewalks: North to south pedestrian crossing is at 9th or 45th Streets.
- Intermittent intersection work: south side access of 14th, 16th, 17th, 50th and 48th intersections
To access commerce or travel through the area, drivers are encouraged to use alternative routes for their east-west driving on alternative area roads.
PROJECT PHASES – As the project progresses, there will be multiple shifts in traffic control. The anticipated phase schedule is:
- Phase 2 completion (Current) – late July
- Side-by-side traffic on north side of roadway
- Phase 3 completion – Middle of September
- Side-by-side traffic on south side of roadway
- Phase 4 completion – Middle of October
- 45th Street intersection pavement repairs (Current) – Approximately 3 weeks in June
- Project completion – Middle of October (100% traffic open)
The purpose of the project is to replace aging infrastructure, with a goal of improving both pedestrian and vehicular safety and increasing roadway capacity through the area.
**Please remember all schedules are tentative and weather dependent.