
Update Detail

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25th Street South Work Zone Shifts to West Side of Roadway Between 12th – 9th Avenue South Monday


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    Current Traffic Pattern Map

Zone: South
Project: 25th Street & 13th Ave S Intersection Reconstruction

Beginning Monday, July 2, weather permitting, crews will begin phase three of the 25th Street South concrete pavement repair (CPR) project. Work will move to the west side of 25th Street South between 12th Avenue South to 9th Avenue South and motorists will be carried side-by-side through the two-block stretch on the newly improved east side of the roadway. Access to businesses will be maintained.

Traffic impacts during phase three on 25th Street South between 12th Avenue and 9th Avenue South will be:

  • Traffic will be side-by-side in the northbound lanes
  • 12th Avenue South intersection will be closed to drivers from 25th Street South
  • 9th Avenue South east side of 25th Street South – Traffic will be right in & right out access only, no southbound 25th Street South left turns or 9th Avenue westbound left-turns will be allowed
  • 9th Avenue South west side of 25th Street South – will be closed with detour route setup
  • Sidewalks will be closed on west side and maintained on east side of 25th Street South

Phase two traffic impacts remain on 25th Street South between 5th Avenue South to 2nd Avenue South:

  • Traffic is side-by-side in the southbound lanes
  • 3rd Avenue South intersection is closed to drivers
  • Sidewalks are closed on east side and maintained on west side of 25th Street South

The CPR project work north of the 13th Avenue South intersection to south of the railroad crossing near 2nd Avenue South will be complete by September.

In CPR projects, crews remove the deteriorated areas of the driving surface and replace the area with new concrete. Sections of the roadway will re-open to traffic once designed strength has been achieved on the new concrete. There may be periods of time when workers are not present in the zone while concrete is curing over a period of time.

With crews working so close to moving traffic in CPR work zones, drivers are reminded to slow down, eliminate distractions and pay attention to signage. Speeds are reduced in the work zone.

**Please remember all schedules are tentative and weather dependent.

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