Zone: Downtown
Project: Roberts Alley & Street Reconstruction Project
Contractors for the City of Fargo plan to start work to replace deteriorating 105-year-old water main and 103-year-old roadway on Roberts Street between 2nd Avenue North to 4th Avenue North as well as replace a section of 5th Street North between 2nd and 3rd Avenue North that is an 83-year-old roadway in downtown Fargo.
Starting Wednesday next week, the first part of initial phase impacts 5th Street North between 2nd Avenue North and 3rd Avenue North. The north 1⁄2 block section will be completely closed to drivers and street parking will be temporary unavailable during the roadway removal and placement of new water main. Pedestrian access will be maintained on the east side next to the building entrances and temporary exit from the bank drive-thru maintained to 2nd Avenue North.
Work on the block of 5th Street North between 2nd – 3rd Avenue North is anticipated to be complete by the end of July.
In early July, crews will continue the first phase of work and shift crews to Roberts Street to start the roadway reconstruction and water main improvement working from south to north. The project work will be completed in two phases to maintain access to area buildings and parking ramp.
When construction activity begins on Roberts Street, the following roadway and access will change:
- Roberts Street between 2nd – 4th Avenue North will close to traffic
- Pedestrian access will be provided on the both sides of the road with the exception of the building area north of the parking ramp (247 Roberts Street)
- Roberts Commons parking ramp entrance will be maintained from the north via 4th Avenue North to Roberts Street in the first phase of work, and from the south side in the second phase
Roberts Street traffic will be detoured to Broadway and 5th Street between 2nd Avenue North and 4th Avenue North to accommodate the work, including:
- Installation of new 10” water main on Roberts Street and 8” water main on 5th Street North
- Installation of some new sanitary sewer along with sanitary sewer rehabilitation
- Complete road reconstruction and concrete paving
- New curb and gutter and streetlights
- Driveway approaches, sidewalks and tree planting
“Roberts Street serves as a popular route for drivers in downtown Fargo and the pavement has served us well past its service life for both drivers and bikers,” said Jeremy Gorden, transportation division engineer for the City of Fargo. “Pavement throughout the block has not been completely reconstructed since the road was built in 1915 and the water main servicing the area is still cast iron. We need to minimize impacts on the costs associated with fixing breaks on cast iron water main and upgrade the system.”
The Roberts Alley project continues to progress, and crews are active on the north half of the alley working on underground improvements. The south portion of Roberts Alley is busy with traffic and open to all forms of transportation as well as deliveries.