Beginning Monday, August 21, crews will temporarily close a section of the 45th Street N roadway north of the intersection of 19th Avenue N to continue underground utility improvements associated with the 19th Avenue N road construction projects. By 9 a.m., 45th Street N between 19th Avenue N and 32nd Avenue NW will be closed to traffic. Next week local traffic affected by the temporary closure north of 19th Avenue N at 45th Street N can access I-29 via Cass County Road 20. Crews anticipate this work to be complete by end of the week, weather permitting.
Northbound traffic on 45th Street N will be able to turn west at 19th Avenue N intersection and from the I-29 interchange access 19th Avenue N to 41st Street N. Currently, the active work zone on 19th Avenue N is between 41st Street N and 43rd Street N.
The second project impacting traffic 19th Avenue N west of 45th Street N to 57th Street N is anticipated to start in late August.
Speeds are reduced in the work zone so drivers are reminded to slow down, eliminate distractions and pay attention to signage, as crews may be working near traffic.