
Traffic Technical Advisory Committee

Boards, Commissions & Committees

Traffic Technical Advisory Committee - June 20, 2017 Minutes

Members Present: Commissioner Dave Piepkorn, Ben Dow, Jeremy Gorden, Nicole Crutchfield, Ryan Erickson, Ross Renner, April Walker
Members Absent:
Others Present: Jason Baker, Derrick LaPointe, Kristy Schmidt, Keith Leier, Any Renfrew, Travis Cleen, Jessica Deitner

Commissioner Piepkorn called the meeting to order at 1:00 PM.

1. Approve Meeting Minutes from April 5 Meeting

2. Block 9 Parking Impacts
Keith Leier a project manager for the Block 9 project gave a presentation that highlighted the estimated construction schedule and impacts to the surrounding area during construction. Their goal is to minimize the impacts to downtown and to contain the impacts to the property footprint as much as possible.

Along the east side of Broadway there will be a protected sidewalk with construction fence and jersey barriers. The first phase will establish the footprint and work would start on the tower and parking ramp. Phase 2 would be 1 year after construction start. The parking ramp is expected to be completed with work continuing on the tower. Workers can then park in the parking lot. Phase 3 is 1 and ½ years after start.

The exterior of the tower is expected to be completed. Start on the plaza and finish work in the city of right of way. They plan to meet face to face with local area businesses. They have sent out a comment sheet. Commissioner Piepkorn would like to see the parking ramp be open to public parking as well as contractor parking. Also require contractors to park off Broadway and off site then shift to the ramp. April motioned to continue to have staff work with Kilbourne to develop plan for the temporary (3 years) on parking and construction impacts.

3. Other Business

With no other business the meeting was adjourned at 2:00PM.