Sustainability and Resiliency Committee
On March 28, 2005, the City Commission created a committee called the Renewable Energy and Conservation Committee (RECC). The RECC’s purpose was to make recommendations for increasing energy conservation and the use of renewable energy in City operations and facilities.
In November 2019, it was suggested that the RECC be reactivated and new appointees named to the committee. After an informational City Commission meeting and white paper presentation on November 13, 2020, it was recommended that the former Renewable Energy and Conservation Committee be renamed the Sustainability and Resiliency Committee (SRC). The role of the SRC would be to make recommendations to the City Commission for actions or policy adoptions related to climate resiliency, renewable energy, emissions reductions, energy efficiency and environmental stewardship.
Committee Members
The Sustainability and Resiliency Committee is comprised of 14 members consisting of elected officials, City of Fargo administration, various City of Fargo department heads and four members of the public. The committee also includes four ex-officio members: an Xcel Energy representative, a Cass County Electric Cooperative representative, a Fargo School District representative and a Fargo Park District representative.
Meeting Schedule and Location
The committee meets quarterly on the second Tuesday of the month at 3 p.m. in the Fargo City Commission Chambers, City Hall, at 225 4th Street North, Fargo.
Meetings are broadcast live on cable channel TV Fargo 56 and can be seen live online at
People with disabilities who plan to attend the meeting and need special accommodations should contact the City Commission Office or call at 701.241.1310. Please contact us at least 48 hours before the meeting to give our staff adequate time to make arrangements.