Performing Arts Task Force Meeting Summary February 26, 2019
Performing Arts Task Force
Meeting Summary
February 26, 2019
Task Force Members Present: Dan Armbrust, Linda Boyd, Charley Johnson, Travis Koch, Dave Piepkorn, Arlette Preston, John Strand, & Dave Suppes.
Staff Present: Jim Gilmour, Michael Redlinger, & Rob Sobolik
1. JLG Site Selection Criteria
• Redlinger provided an overview of site selection criteria prepared by JLG Architects for the Task Force.
2. Civic Plaza Update – Scott Bishop, Bishop Land Design
• Scott Bishop, Bishop Land Design, updated the Task Force on the development of the Civic Plaza conceptual plan. Bishop highlighted opportunities to connect the Civic Plaza to the Red River and amenities in Moorhead, including Viking Ship Park and the Hjemkomst Center.
• BLD provided an overview of development scenarios for Site Options A and B. It was stated that private development activity should be a consideration in the planning and siting of a future Performing Arts Center.
• A checklist of “pros” and “cons” for each site was developed by JLG Architects and incorporated into BLD’s presentation. Topics such as pedestrian access; adjacency to amenities; 2nd Ave. N. connectivity; and other technical issues, such as the sanitary sewer pump station, were highlighted in the checklist.
• Bishop closed the presentation with takeaway points for the Task Force to consider, including: funding; facility construction timeline; and capitalizing on adjacent land development opportunities to yield additional downtown development.
• Task Force members inquired about Opportunity Zones and private investment opportunities in a facility.
• Johnson inquired about the sanitary lift station and what consideration should be given to plan around this existing infrastructure.
• Strand asked about opportunities to enhance or add to the existing Civic Center. A vision for demolishing or retrofitting the Civic Center should be developed to determine what options exist.
• Boyd offered that Site A is closer to transportation infrastructure and commercial development that already exists, including restaurants, retail, and multiple parking facilities.
3. Reports/Updates from the February 12, 2019 Task Force Meeting – Staff
a. 2018 Civic Center events/attendance
• A handout of 2018 events and attendance at the Civic Center was provided.
b. Facility parking needs/availability
• A handout of existing and future parking facilities, available night/weekend stalls, and their locations was provided by Jim Gilmour. Boyd suggested that a parking structure within the Performing Arts Center should be considered.
c. Civic Center telecommunications infrastructure
• A brief report was provided by staff regarding existing telecommunications infrastructure located in the project area.