Performing Arts Task Force Meeting Summary February 12, 2019
Task Force Members Present: Dan Armbrust, Linda Boyd, Charley Johnson, Travis Koch, Dave Piepkorn, Arlette Preston, Jeff Schatz, & John Strand
Staff Present: Kent Costin, Jim Gilmour, Michael Redlinger, & Rob Sobolik
1. FargoDome Presentation – Rob Sobolik
• Rob Sobolik, FargoDome General Manager, provided a report on the FargoDome’s 2019 Operating Budget and the financial statement format used for the facility.
• An operations pro forma from the 2015 HVS Feasibility Study was presented to the Task Force. The pro forma demonstrates the number of potential events and attendees for the proposed Performing Arts Center and the FargoDome.
• Sobolik answered questions from the Task Force regarding the program design for the proposed facility and the role of food and beverage contracts and special event rentals in supporting the facility.
2. Performing Arts Center User & Stakeholder Review/Verification from 2015 Study – JLG Architects
• Rob Remark, JLG Architects, shared a summary of potential facility users and stakeholders identified in the 2015 HVS Feasibility Study.
• It was requested that Task Force members assist with the identification of stakeholders that should be contacted again in 2019. It was suggested that the Fargo, West Fargo, and Moorhead Mayors, together with the Superintendents for each of the public school districts, be contacted for coordination and outreach.
• JLG will assist with the development of a unified question set that can be presented to each of the stakeholders to be contacted.
3. Site Vision/Analysis: Objectives & Criteria – JLG Architects
• The Task Force confirmed that 2 sites should continue to be evaluated for a Performing Arts Center: the present-day Civic Center location and the Downtown Library east parking lot (Civic Plaza). It was determined that the Mid-America Steel site should not be considered further as a location for a Performing Arts Center.
• The Task Force requested staff research and report on parking needs/availability for a 2,500 seat facility.
• Task Force members discussed the attributes of the two sites, including connectivity to the skyway system and other parking facilities; access to food and beverage options in downtown; and the City’s desired land use pattern in downtown.
• Other topics that should be researched include the number of annual events at the Civic Center; Prairie Public Television’s broadcast equipment located on the Civic Center roof; and the support of veterans organizations for the Civic Center.
• The Task Force will receive an update at its February 26th meeting from Scott Bishop, Bishop Land Design, on the Civic Plaza planning process.