
Parking Commission

Boards, Commissions & Committees

September 28, 2017 Parking Commission Minutes

Regular Meeting: Thursday, September 28, 2017

The Regular Meeting of the Board of Parking Commissioners of the City of Fargo, North Dakota, was held in the City Commission Room at City Hall at 9:00 o'clock a.m., Thursday, September 28, 2017.

The Parking Commissioners present or absent were as follows:

Present: Margie Bailly, Brian Hayer, Randy Thorson, Jay Krabbenhoft

Absent: Chair Mike Williams

Also Present: Commissioner Dave Piepkorn

Acting Chairperson Bailly called the meeting to order.

Item 1: Approve Order of Agenda
No action was taken by the Board.

Item 2: Minutes: Regular Meeting of August 31, 2017
Member Thorson moved the minutes of the August 31, 2017 Parking Commission meeting be approved. Second by Member Hayer. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.

Item 3: Interstate Report/Financial Data
Andy Renfrew, Interstate Parking (IP), presented the August financial and operations report. He reported staff has contacted the individuals on the waitlist for parking in the GTC Garage and Roberts Commons (RoCo) Garage, but there is still a waitlist for the parking lots at 3rd Street, 4th Street, and the Civic Center Ramp.

Mr. Renfrew reported the connection between the Civic Center Ramp and RoCo Garage to their call center is complete, enabling parkers to contact staff 24/7 if there are questions or issues. He added this connection also provided the data for the newly created Occupancy Report staff submitted to the Board today.

Planning Director Jim Gilmour shared a handout focusing on the RoCo Garage parking data provided in IP’s reports, which will guide staff if/when additional parking spaces at this ramp can be made available.

Item 4: Residential Parking in the Roberts Commons Garage – Kilbourne Group: APPROVED
General Manager Mike Allmendinger and Project Manager Mike Zimney, Kilbourne Group submitted a handout to the Board outlining the four phases of proposed developments adjacent to, and including the Roberts Commons (RoCo) Garage. He stated they are here today to discuss the parking needs they project will be needed in the RoCo Garage for the proposed total of 240 apartment units planned in these developments. He briefly reviewed each project, recapped the original Request for Proposals (RFP) and the 72 reserved parking spaces already approved, and requested an additional 100 parking spaces to be priority but not guaranteed on the RoCo Garage waitlist, totaling 172 parking spaces.

Board discussion ensued concerning the City’s ordinance requirements on the number of parking spaces per apartment unit; staffs review of how effective these requirements are for the different zoning districts City-wide and updating code to fit the existing needs and trends; the current DMU, Downtown Mixed-Use zoning district does not have a parking requirement; utilizing the information provided to staff by the newly implemented automation systems; and why this request needs approval today for the projects to proceed.

Commissioner Piepkorn present.

Member Hayer moved to add an additional 100 priority parking spaces that are not guaranteed, to the 72 spots promised for a total of 172 parking spaces for the proposed 240 apartment units. Second by Member Krabbenhoft. On call of the roll Members Hayer, Krabbenhoft, and Bailly voted aye. Member Thorson voted nay. Absent and not voting: Member Williams. The motion was declared carried.

Item 5: Update on Event Closures at City of Fargo Parking Facilities
Derrick LaPoint presented a draft copy of the Street Closure Permit Application. He noted this copy is for review, for discussion at an upcoming Parking Commission meeting.

Item 6: Downtown Master Plan
Mr. LaPoint reported staff has received drafts of the two documents created from the Downtown InFocus study. He noted copies are available for the Board Members to review, and he stated staff plans to bring the finalized documents before the City Commission by the end of this year.

Item 7: Downtown Parking Wayfinding Signage
Mr. LaPoint stated staff is coordinating with Engineering to discuss this signage, with the intent to have it in place this fall.

Item 8: Other Business
Mr. LaPoint provided the following updates:

- Beginning Monday, October 2, the alley between Broadway North and Roberts Street from 2nd to 4th Avenue North will be closed for construction, temporarily relocating dumpsters and delivery locations for area businesses.

- The NDSU Homecoming Parade Route – staff is coordinating with NDSU, the Police department, and parking renters regarding possible issues they may face when trying to leave the RoCo Garage during the parade.

Member Hayer moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:02 a.m. Second by Member Thorson. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.