Parking Commission - November 30, 2017 Minutes
Regular Meeting: Thursday: November 30, 2017:
The Regular Meeting of the Board of Parking Commissioners of the City of Fargo, North Dakota, was held in the City Commission Room at City Hall at 9:00 o'clock a.m., Thursday, November 30, 2017.
The Parking Commissioners present or absent were as follows:
Present: Chairperson Mike Williams, Brian Hayer, Randy Thorson
Absent: Margie Bailly, Jay Krabbenhoft
Also Present: Commissioner Piepkorn
Chairperson Williams called the meeting to order.
Item 1: Approve Order of Agenda
Member Hayer moved the Order of Agenda be approved as presented. Second by Member Thorson. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.
Item 2: Minutes: Regular Meeting of September 28, 2017 and the Retreat Meeting of November 2, 2017
Member Thorson moved the minutes of the September 28, 2017 and November 2, 2017 Parking Commission meetings be approved. Second by Member Hayer. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.
Item 3: Interstate Parking/Financial Data
Andy Renfrew, Interstate Parking (IP), presented the October financial and operations report.
Planner Derrick LaPoint added that staff is continuing to look into additional marketing opportunities to promote parking options in the downtown area.
Item 4: 2018 Parking Rates
Mr. Renfrew reviewed staff’s recommendations for proposed fee changes to the Parking Rate Schedule for 2018, which go into effect on February 1, 2018. He asked for the Board’s approval to present the proposed changes to the City Commission at the December 18, 2017 meeting.
Member Hayer moved to recommend approval to the City Commission the proposed 2018 Parking Facility Rate Schedule. Second by Member Thorson. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.
Item 5: 2018 Parking Commission Meeting Calendar
Derrick LaPoint presented the proposed Parking Commission meeting calendar for 2018.
Item 6: Other Business
Planning Director Jim Gilmour updated the Board regarding a review by Carl Walker Inc. of the City owned downtown parking facilities to assess and identify needed improvements including adding security features. Mr. Gilmour also noted a list of repairs has been compiled for the Roberts Commons Ramp
Further discussion ensued and staff will present an update on this item at the next Parking Commission meeting.
Mr. LaPoint requested the Board discuss and determine a set fee for the secure bicycle parking area in the Roberts Commons (RoCo) Ramp. He stated this secured area is in addition to the free bicycle parking area in RoCo, and will be accessible to the renters via a key fob.
The Board discussed implementing a fee of $3.00 a month per space, requiring a contract for a six-month period with the fee paid up front, and review this item when the contract(s) expire.
Member Hayer moved to approve the recommended $3.00 per month per space, for a six-month contracted period for the secured bicycle parking area in the Roberts Commons Ramp. Second by Member Hayer. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.
Member Thorson moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:35 a.m. Second by Member Hayer. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.