
Parking Commission

Boards, Commissions & Committees

Parking Commission - July 10, 2017 Minutes

Regular Meeting: Monday: July 10, 2017:

The Regular Meeting of the Board of Parking Commissioners of the City of Fargo, North Dakota, was held in the City Commission Room at City Hall at 8:00 o'clock a.m., Monday, July 10, 2017.

The Parking Commissioners present or absent were as follows:

Present: Chairperson Mike Williams, Margie Bailly, Brian Hayer, Jay Krabbenhoft,
Commissioner Dave Piepkorn, Randy Thorson

Absent: None

Chairperson Williams called the meeting to order.

Item 1: Approve Order of Agenda
Member Hayer moved the Order of Agenda be approved as presented. Second by Member Bailly. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.

Item 2: Minutes: Regular Meeting of May 25, 2017
Member Thorson moved the minutes of the May 25, 2017 Parking Commission meeting be approved. Second by Member Bailly. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.

Item 3: Interstate Report/Financial Data
Andy Renfrew, Interstate Parking (IP), talked about the grand opening held at the Roberts Commons Garage on June 12th, and he provided an update on the parking contracts already in place for this facility. Mr. Renfrew proceeded with a review of the May financial and operations report.

The Board further discussed the new tracking system installed at the Civic Ramp, the number of people parking in the 7th Street North Lot, and safety concerns regarding downtown parkers.

Item 4: Interstate Parking - Contract Extension and Amendment: APPROVED
Planning Director Jim Gilmour reviewed the proposed contract amendments that included in the packet. Mr. Gilmour requested the Board’s approval to present the amended contract before the City Commission.

Member Hayer moved that approval be recommended to the City Commission to approve the contract extension and amendments to the Interstate Parking Contract. Second by Member Bailly. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.

Item 5: Roberts Commons Garage Update
a. Hourly Parking Rates Approved at City Commission
b. Hourly Parking Starts July 5th
Planner Derrick LaPoint reviewed the hourly parking rates that were approved at the July 3, 2017 City Commission Meeting. Mr. LaPoint stated these rates went into effect on July 5th, and referred to the Roberts Commons Parking Garage (RoCo) brochure, agenda item 7a, that includes this rate information plus other current details about parking at the RoCo Garage. He also noted a how-to video similar to the one created for the Civic Ramp, will soon be available for this garage on the website.

The Board discussed the second phase of this project, the image/design soon to be placed on the panel above the garage’s entrance, and the use of the bicycle facilities.

Item 6: Block 9 Update
a. Proposed On-Street Parking Alterations Post-Project Completion: APPROVED
Mr. LaPoint explained the general site overview document included in the packet, stating it depicts what the parking and streetscape will look like once the project is final. He talked about what areas of parking may be affected, and shared some of staff’s ideas on how to accommodate some of these changes.

Discussion ensued regarding what the parking rules and regulations will be for this privately owned parking ramp.

Member Hayer moved approval be recommended to the City Commission of the proposed on-street parking alterations post-project completion. Second by Member Bailly. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.

Item 7: Public Information for Parking
Derrick LaPoint stated that staff is working on updates to the parking page found on the City’s new website, to provide a more user-friendly public access page to link to the city’s downtown parking information found at

a. Roberts Commons Garage Information and Video
This item was discussed with item 5.

b. On-Street Parking Data Collection Map – April 2017
Mr. LaPoint reviewed the on-street parking data map included in the packet.

Discussion continued regarding the value of this information for the growth and management of the current and future parking in the downtown area.

Chair Williams absent.

c. Updated Parking Guide
Mr. LaPoint referred to the updated “Welcome to Downtown Fargo Parking Guide” that will be printed and available soon.

Item 8: Other Business
No other business was discussed.

Member Bailly moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 a.m. Second by Member Hayer. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.