Parking Commission – February 23, 2017 Minutes
Regular Meeting: Thursday: February 23, 2017:
The Regular Meeting of the Board of Parking Commissioners of the City of Fargo, North Dakota, was held in the City Commission Room at City Hall at 9:00 o'clock a.m., Thursday, February 23, 2017.
The Parking Commissioners present or absent were as follows:
Present: Chairperson Mike Williams, Margie Bailly, Randy Thorson, Tracy Walvatne
Absent: Brian Hayer
Chairperson Williams called the meeting to order.
Item 1: Approve Order of Agenda
Member Bailly moved the Order of Agenda be approved as presented. Second by Member Thorson. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.
Item 2: Minutes: Regular Meeting of January 26, 2017
Member Walvatne moved the minutes of the January 26, 2017 Parking Commission meeting be approved. Second by Member Bailly. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.
Item 3: Interstate Report/Financial Data
Andy Renfrew, Interstate Parking (IP), presented the January financial and operations report.
Discussion followed regarding the current availability and monthly rental cost of existing bike lockers at three downtown locations, the additional bike lockers to be installed in the Roberts Commons Ramp, and the suggestion to provide this information to the public at bike rental shops in the downtown area.
Item 4: Roberts Commons Ramp Update
a. Approved Perforated Panel
Planning Director Jim Gilmour reported on the installation of the perforated panel above the entrance to the Roberts Commons Ramp within the next 6 to 8 weeks. He referred to the image included in the packet, depicting the area designated for displaying imagery.
b. Construction Timeline
Mr. Gilmour stated the opening of the Roberts Commons Ramp is still on schedule for May 1, 2017.
c. 2nd Avenue North
Jim Gilmour shared some of the construction projects that will begin downtown in the next few months, and these items will be added to the March Parking Commission meeting for further discussion.
Mr. LaPoint added staff is working with Engineering on a map depicting the existing and upcoming construction for 2017 and the proposed timelines, to provide as a guide to the public for travel and parking in the downtown area.
The Board continued discussion on the parking accommodations the Roberts Commons Ramp will provide for the upcoming parking shortages during construction season. Also discussed were the option of using the LinkFM for traveling in the downtown area, and the installation of new automated parking management equipment at the Civic Parking Ramp by the end of March.
Item 5: Legislative Update – Parking Meters
Jim Gilmour provided updates on the following legislative items:
Senate Bill 2247 would eliminate the prohibition of parking meters in North Dakota. Approved by the Senate and moves onto the House Committee.
House Bill 1364 would continue to ban parking meters in North Dakota. Failed in the House and moves onto the Senate Committee.
Item 6: Other Business
Chair Williams briefly shared information regarding funds available to all states from a recent settlement with the VW Corporation regarding unsafe gas emissions. He will share details with staff as they become available.
Derrick LaPoint shared the annual summer event “Cruising on Broadway”, will be replaced with an event called “Cars and Coffee”. He stated more information will be provided in the next few months.
Item 7: Adjournment
Member Bailly moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:45 a.m. Second by Member Thorson. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.