
Airport Authority

Boards, Commissions & Committees


The Annual Meeting of the Municipal Airport Authority of the City of Fargo, North Dakota, was held Tuesday, January 26, 2021, at 8:00 a.m. in the Airport Boardroom.

The members present or absent were as follows:

Present: Haugen, Engen (via zoom), Cosgriff (via zoom), Lind (via zoom), Linn
Absent: None
Others: Bossart (via zoom), Strand (via zoom)

Chairman Linn presiding.

Approved the Airport Vouchers Totaling $36,011.93:
Gen. Haugen moved to approve the airport vouchers totaling $36,011.93.
Second by Mr. Engen.
On the call of the roll, members Haugen, Engen, Cosgriff, Lind, Linn voted aye.
No member being absent and none voting nay the motion was declared carried.

Approved the Individual Voucher to Mead & Hunt:
Mr. Engen moved to approve the individual voucher in the amount of $34,824.77 to Mead & Hunt for partial payment request for engineering services in connection with the Cargo Apron Expansion Project, Phase IV.
Second by Gen. Haugen.
On the call of the roll, members Haugen, Engen, Cosgriff, Lind, Linn voted aye.
No member being absent and none voting nay the motion was declared carried.

Receive Communication From the City of Fargo Regarding Easements for North University Drive Construction Project:
The communication dated January 8, 2021, from Shawn Bullinger, Engineering Department, City of Fargo, was received and filed without objection.

Mr. Dobberstein stated Shawn Bullinger, Land Acquisition Specialist for the COF Engineering Department is joining the meeting via zoom.

Mr. Dobberstein stated temporary construction and permanent easements for the North University Drive Project (BN-20-AO) have been prepared and are ready for signature. He stated the COF did have an appraisal done on the property involved. He stated we have received a Memorandum of Offer to Landowner for a payment of $1,624.00 to the MAA for the temporary easement. He stated these are standard documents and Attorney Bossart has reviewed them. He stated he would recommend the Airport Authority approve these easements.

There were no further comments or questions.

Gen. Haugen moved to receive and approve the easements from the City of Fargo Engineering Department for the North University Drive Project (BN-20-AO).
Second by Mr. Engen.
All members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.

Authorized Preparation of Specifications to Solicit Bids to Replace Light Fixtures (North General Aviation Apron, NGA Access Road and Westside Terminal):
Mr. Dobberstein stated in 2019 we completed a lighting project in the South General Aviation to replace all of the high pressure sodium lights and ballasts and that has made a significant difference. He stated we did not move forward with the North General Aviation Area, the North GA access road or the Westside Terminal Ramp. He stated this project would finish the upgrade of that lighting system. He stated because of the anticipated cost he feels we should have Mead & Hunt, working with electrical engineer Joel Kath, prepare plans and specifications for public bids on this project.

Mr. Dobberstein stated replacing these fixtures would be considered a maintenance project and therefore eligible for CARES funding. He stated the payback on this improvement will be the energy savings. He added that if we were to keep the existing fixtures in place, the cost to replace the fixture and the bulb as they go out is greater than the cost to replace them with new LED fixtures.

Mr. Engen moved to approve authorizing Mead & Hunt to proceed with plans and specifications to solicit public bids to replace light fixtures in the areas outlined.
Second by Mr. Lind.

Mr. Dobberstein stated we are looking at a timeline of early spring for this project.
All members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.

Received Update Regarding Property Sale to Mathern:
Attorney Bossart was recognized (via zoom) and stated that she does not have a lot to update on this sale. She stated the abstract is still with Cass County Abstract Company and we are waiting for that update. She stated she has drafted a proposed Purchase Agreement and we will deed this property to the Matherns in the same way the airport received it from Mr. Stockman, which was by quit claim deed.

Received APEC Update:
Chairman Linn gave an update on the Airport Position Evaluation Committee. She stated the committee members received the minutes from the meeting held January 8, which was a lengthy meeting. She stated at that meeting there was a lot of discussion about the purpose and function of the APEC. She stated all of the APEC members have been confident that we have been following the MOU. She stated the meeting resulted in action taken to establish pay ranges for the five positions reviewed (Executive Director, Assistant Director, Airport Operations Supervisor/Airside, Airport Operations Supervisor/Landside, Airport Operations Specialist, Airport Office Manager. She added that these ranges were established out of respect for the COF salary system but there could be out of market adjustments possible.

Vice Chairman Lind was recognized (via zoom) and stated for the record that he has spent many hours on phone calls and meetings with the APEC. He thanked the members of the committee for volunteering to serve on this committee and the dozens of hours they have given to come to a resolution.

Chairman Linn stated the committee members have done the best we can. She stated it has been a learning experience to do the detail work that was required. She stated she hopes this will be the last discussion on the function of the APEC and that we can move forward. She stated the APEC will need to meet again to approve the minutes from the January 8 meeting.

Authorized Travel to GLC/AAAE Winter Board Meeting, February 26-27, 2021, Lincoln, NE:
Mr. Engen moved to authorize travel to the Great Lakes Chapter AAAAE Winter Board Meeting, February 26-27, 2021, Lincoln, NE.
Second by Gen. Haugen.
All members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.

Received Update Regarding 2021 FAA Grant Funds and Current Air Cargo Apron Expansion Project Grant Funds:
Mr. Dobberstein stated the FAA this past week advised us of our FY2021 AIP grant amounts. He stated the passenger entitlement funds are $3,280,035.00 and the cargo entitlement amount is $126,558.00 for a total of $3,406,593.00. He stated when we put together funding plans for the Cargo Apron Expansion Project the idea was to maximize the use of our grant dollars and apply them toward the cargo apron, such as FY2021 grants. However, the amount we have available to amend Grant AIP51 exceeds 15% so Mead & Hunt tried working with the FAA to try and move part of the construction project to create a new grant. He stated the problem is that there are not enough workable units to do that and if there were we have already assigned them to a current grant number, or we have already drawn down funds in Grant 51 for work units that would be eligible for Grant 53. He stated that leaves us a balance of $4,881,642.35, based on what we know today. He stated the idea of rolling our available entitlements as an amendment into the CARES Grant 51 is not going to work, so we will be carrying over our $3.4 million of entitlements and start accumulating funds to start reconstruction of the terminal ramp, which will be a multi-year project.

Mr. Jeff Klein, Mead & Hunt, was recognized (via zoom) and stated following all of the rules the FAA has for multiple funding sources can be very confusing. He stated one of the things that typically the FAA allows airports to do is to do a multi-year grant if you have a project that is going to spread out over multiple years.

Mr. Dobberstein stated we also have the option of a development addendum to our $21.6 million CARES Grant which covers a four year period. He stated that grant is for operations and maintenance costs but airports will have one opportunity for an addendum for a development project but that process is still new and the FAA office in Bismarck has yet to complete one of those addendums. He stated he would like to see us wait until the end of the grant cycle to put forth a development addendum. He stated he is recommending we hold over our $3.4 million of entitlements for CY2021 for the next construction year 2022 and that we apply those funds toward the Westside Terminal Apron Reconstruction Project.

Airport Construction and Security Update:
Mr. Terry Stroh, TL Stroh Architects, was recognized (via zoom) and gave an update on the SRE Building Project. He stated the panels have been installed on the addition to the existing building and they are starting on the roof. He stated the roof on the new building is complete and they are finishing the decking on the mezzanine. He stated the overhead doors have been installed and they are able to heat the building while doing interior work.

Chairman Linn stated we need to have an open house when this project is done so that the public can be made aware of the machinery required to operate an airport and the facilities needed to house that equipment.

Mr. Stroh stated the equipment is amazing and most people don’t realize what it takes to keep an airport in our climate operating. He stated the airfield staff does such a great job, even with the limited size of the existing facility.

Elected Chairman of the Municipal Airport Authority for Calendar Year 2021, As Per Bylaws:
Gen. Haugen moved to elect Mr. Erik Lind Chairman of the Municipal Airport Authority for CY2021, as per bylaws.
Second by Mr. Engen.
All members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.
Mr. Lind abstained.

Elected Vice Chairman of the Municipal Airport Authority for Calendar Year 2021, As Per Bylaws:
Gen. Haugen moved to elect Mr. Rick Engen Vice Chairman of the Municipal Airport Authority for CY2021, as per bylaws.
Second by Mr. Lind.
All members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.
Mr. Engen abstained.

Adopted Resolution of Appreciation to Outgoing Chairman, Tammy Linn:
Gen. Haugen offered the following resolution of appreciation to outgoing Chairman, Tammy Linn, and moved its adoption:

WHEREAS, Tammy A. Linn has just completed a year as Chairman of the Municipal Airport Authority, and

WHEREAS, During the year of Ms. Linn’s chairmanship, the Municipal Airport Authority and Hector International Airport have experienced unprecedented challenges and changes, most notably the virus pandemic that has had a drastic and devastating effect on air travel, and

WHEREAS, Ms. Linn has labored diligently and given unsparingly of her time and efforts in many areas serving as Chairman of the Municipal Airport Authority, providing leadership during this difficult period of time, still moving forward with airport improvement projects and continuing to provide the best service possible to the flying public.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Municipal Airport Authority does hereby commend Ms. Linn for her effective efforts during her year serving as Chairman and looks forward to her continued service on the board.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this resolution be inscribed upon the permanent minutes of the Municipal Airport Authority and a certified copy of the herein resolution be forwarded to Tammy A. Linn.

Second by Mr. Lind.
All members present voted aye and the resolution was declared to have been duly passed and adopted.
Chairman Linn abstained.

Other Business:
Mr. Dobberstein stated we did receive word on a national mask mandate for airports in which the enforcement will fall upon the airport. He stated we will be receiving more information on this directive from the Department of Homeland Security.

Mr. Dobberstein stated he did provide testimony before the ND Senate Transportation Committee regarding a bill on Transportation Network Companies (TNCs). He stated the Airport Association of North Dakota has been pushing this initiative for the last two legislative sessions. He stated the bill did pass out of committee and should have been on the senate floor yesterday or today. He stated he subsequently emailed all of the senators requesting their support of SB2149 and he has received positive responses from a number of them. He stated another bill all political subdivisions in the state are following is an eminent domain bill which would amend ND CC 2-06-08. He stated if an entity does not make a reasonable offer on property there are penalty structures that go into place involving attorney fees, etc. He stated he will continue to follow this bill.

The Annual Meeting of the Municipal Airport Authority was adjourned until the next Regular Meeting to be held Tuesday, February 9, 2021.
Time at adjournment was 8:37 a.m.