
Airport Authority

Boards, Commissions & Committees

Airport Authority - August 8, 2017 Minutes

The Regular Meeting of the Municipal Airport Authority of the City of Fargo, North Dakota, was held Tuesday, August 8, 2017, at 8:00 am in the Airport Boardroom.
The members present or absent were as follows:
Present: Clark, Linn, Haugen, Blazek
Absent: Kilander
Others: Bossart
Chairman Blazek presiding.

Approved the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Municipal Airport Authority Held July 11, 2017:
The minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Municipal Airport Authority held July 11, 2017, were approved without objection.

Approved the Airport Vouchers Totaling $61,624.65:
Gen. Haugen moved to approve the airport vouchers totaling $61,624.65.
Second by Dr. Clark.
On the call of the roll, members Clark, Linn, Haugen, Blazek voted aye.
Absent and not voting: Kilander
The motion was declared carried.

Approved the Individual Voucher to Flint Communications:
Dr. Clark moved to approve the individual voucher in the amount of $8,475.25 to Flint Communications for partial payment request for the 2017 Airport Marketing Program.
Second by Ms. Linn.
On the call of the roll, members Clark, Linn, Haugen, Blazek voted aye.
Absent and not voting: Kilander
The motion was declared carried.

Approved the Individual Voucher to Forum Communications Systems:
Dr. Clark moved to approve the individual voucher in the amount of $24,282.36 to Forum Communications Systems for the Alert III Emergency Conference System - ARFF Station (approved by MAA 5/23/17).
Second by Ms. Linn.
On the call of the roll, members Clark, Linn, Haugen, Blazek voted aye.
Absent and not voting: Kilander
The motion was declared carried.

Approved the Individual Voucher to Fargo Electric:
Dr. Clark moved to approve the individual voucher in the amount of $150.00 to Fargo Electric for utility locates for the Taxiway A and A1 Reconstruction, Project AIP47.
Second by Ms. Linn.
On the call of the roll, members Clark, Linn, Haugen, Blazek voted aye.
Absent and not voting: Kilander.
The motion was declared carried.

Approved the Individual Voucher to Mead & Hunt:
Dr. Clark moved to approve the individual voucher in the amount of $6,351.79 to Mead & Hunt for partial payment request for engineering services in connection with the Terminal Taxiway and Taxiway A Reconstruction, Project AIP46.
Second by Ms. Linn.
On the call of the roll, members Clark, Linn, Haugen, Blazek voted aye.
Absent and not voting: Kilander
The motion was declared carried.

Approved the Individual Voucher to Mead & Hunt:
Dr. Clark moved to approve the individual voucher in the amount of $10,627.06 to Mead & Hunt for partial payment request for engineering services in connection with the Taxiway A
Reconstruction Project, AIP45.
Second by Ms. Linn.
On the call of the roll, members Clark, Linn, Haugen, Blazek voted aye.
Absent and not voting: Kilander
The motion was declared carried.

Approved the Individual Voucher to Mead & Hunt:
Dr. Clark moved to approve the individual voucher in the amount of $88,600.00 to Mead & Hunt for payment request (full and final) for engineering services in connection with the Cargo Apron Expansion and North GA Taxilane, Project APFC.
Second by Ms. Linn.
On the call of the roll, members Clark, Linn, Haugen, Blazek voted aye.
Absent and not voting: Kilander
The motion was declared carried.

Approved the Individual Voucher to Mead & Hunt:
Dr. Clark moved to approve the individual voucher in the amount of $28,691.96 to Mead & Hunt for partial payment request for engineering services in connection with the Taxiway A and A1 Reconstruction, Project AIP47.
Second by Ms. Linn.
On the call of the roll, members Clark, Linn, Haugen, Blazek voted aye.
Absent and not voting: Kilander
The motion was declared carried.

Approved the Individual Voucher to Northern Improvement Company:
Dr. Clark moved to approve the individual voucher in the amount of $120,842.15 to Northern Improvement Company for Partial Payment Request #9 (Final) for construction of the Terminal Taxiway and Taxiway A Reconstruction Project, AIP46.
Second by Ms. Linn.
On the call of the roll, members Clark, Linn, Haugen, Blazek voted aye.
Absent and not voting: Kilander
The motion was declared carried.

Approved the Individual Voucher to Northern Improvement Company:
Dr. Clark moved to approve the individual voucher in the amount of $85,074.56 to Northern Improvement Company for Partial payment Request #6 (Final) for construction of the Terminal Taxiway and Taxiway A Reconstruction Project, AIP46.
Second by Ms. Linn.
On the call of the roll, members Clark, Linn, Haugen, Blazek voted aye.
Absent and not voting: Kilander
The motion was declared carried.

Approved the Individual Voucher to Northern Improvement Company:
Dr. Clark moved to approve the individual voucher in the amount of $1,836,902.70 to Northern Improvement Company for Partial Payment Request #1 for construction of the Taxiway A and A1 Reconstruction Project, AIP47.
Second by Ms. Linn.
On the call of the roll, members Clark, Linn, Haugen, Blazek voted aye.
Absent and not voting: Kilander
The motion was declared carried.

Approved the Individual Voucher to Northern Improvement Company:
Dr. Clark moved to approve the individual voucher in the amount of $114,728.09 to Northern Improvement Company for Partial payment Request #1 for construction of the Cargo Apron Expansion, Project APFC.
Second by Ms. Linn.
On the call of the roll, members Clark, Linn, Haugen, Blazek voted aye.
Absent and not voting: Kilander
The motion was declared carried.

Approved the Individual Voucher to TL Stroh Architects:
Dr. Clark moved to approve the individual voucher in the amount of $5,907.50 to TL Stroh Architects for Partial Payment Request for architectural services for the exterior panel replacement, Westside Terminal.
Second by Ms. Linn.
On the call of the roll, members Clark, Linn, Haugen, Blazek voted aye.
Absent and not voting: Kilander
The motion was declared carried
Approved the Individual Voucher to Flint Communications:
Dr. Clark moved to approve the individual voucher in the amount of $13,457.79 to Flint Communications for partial payment request for 2017 Airport Marketing Program.
Second by Ms. Linn.
On the call of the roll, members Clark, Linn, Haugen, Blazek voted aye.
Absent and not voting: Kilander
The motion was declared carried.

Received Change Order #1 to Northern Improvement Company for an Increase of $144,081.80 (storm sewer award from original bid, signage, in-pavement lights), Taxiway A and A1 Reconstruction Project, AIP47:
Mr. Dobberstein stated the biggest part of this change order is for the storm water portion of the Taxiway A and A1 Reconstruction Project (AIP47), which was not awarded along with the base bid for the project as we were waiting for the FAA to complete their environment assessment and wetland delineation. He stated now that they have completed those we can award that portion of the project. He stated the change order includes some additional signage and edge lighting.

Dr. Clark moved to approve Change Order #1 to Northern Improvement Company for an increase of $144,081.80.
Second by Ms. Linn.
On the call of the roll, members Clark, Linn, Haugen, Blazek voted aye.
Absent and not voting: Kilander.
The motion was declared carried.

Authorized Attendance at the National Association of Foreign Trade Zones Annual Conference, October 22-25, 2017, San Diego, CA:
Ms. Linn moved to authorize attendance at the National Association of Foreign Trade Zones
Annual Conference, October 22-25, 2017, San Diego, CA.
Second by Dr. Clark.
On the call of the roll, members Clark, Linn, Haugen, Blazek voted aye.
Absent and not voting: Kilander
The motion was declared carried.

Received Request from CenturyLink for Fiber Installation Easement to FAA ATC Building:
Mr. Dobberstein stated CenturyLink is requesting an easement to install fiber from a point in front of the terminal building east along the short term parking lot, through the employee parking lots to the control tower. He stated Mr. Jeff Klein, Mead & Hunt, has asked that we delay installation because of our reconstruction in the employee parking lots. He stated the board's concurrence today will allow them to move forward with their plans. He stated Attorney Bossart has reviewed the standard easement. He added that they would be responsible for moving the line at their expense should the airport need the area for future expansion.

Ms. Linn moved to approve the request from CenturyLink for a fiber installation easement to the FAA ATC building, with the installation to be coordinated with our employee parking lot project.

Second by Gen. Haugen.
All members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.

Discussed Proposal from Mead & Hunt to Complete Wetland Delineation for Anticipated Cargo Apron Expansion Project - $7,900.00 Proposed Fee:
Mr. Dobberstein stated in anticipation of the need for expanded cargo ramp space, Mead & Hunt is proposing to complete the wetland delineation yet this year as this study cannot be done during winter months. He stated the proposed fee from Mead & Hunt is not to exceed $7,900.00. He stated the proposal document has not yet been drafted but he recommends the board approve this so that we are ready for expansion next year.

Gen. Haugen moved to approve the proposal from Mead & Hunt to complete the wetland delineation for anticipated cargo apron expansion, for a fee not to exceed $7,900.00.

Second by Dr. Clark.
On the call of the roll, members Clark, Linn, Haugen, Blazek voted aye.
Absent and not voting: Kilander
The motion was declared carried.

Received FY 2018-2020 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Contract Goals Required by 49 CFR Part 26 (3.32%):
Mr. Dobberstein stated the advertisement for our Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Contract Goals required by 49 CFR Part 26 for fiscal years 2018-2020 will be advertised in The Forum on August 14, 2017. He stated every three years we set up a goal for our FAA assisted contracts. He stated we basically follow the NDDOT goal and work with the ND Aeronautics Commission to put together these goals. He stated our goal is 3.32% participation The FY 2018-2020 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Contract Goals were received and filed without objection.

Airport Construction and Security Update:
Mr. John Scraper, Mead & Hunt, was recognized and stated the Taxiway A project is moving along nicely and on schedule. He stated they have paved past the entrance to the cargo apron and are waiting for cure time on the concrete. He stated that Mr. Jeff Klein has indicated that it is some of the best paving Northern has ever done on the airport. He stated the dry weather has helped. Mr. Scraper stated we are going to receive bids on the employee parking lot project on August 29.

Mr. Terry Stroh, TL Stroh Architects, was recognized and stated they are working on getting informal bids on the siding replacement project on the east side of the terminal building. He stated they hope to have four to six bids. He stated they are continuing to work on concepts for the skyway. Mr. Rick Berg was recognized and stated he would like to update the board on their hangar project. He stated his objective is to dress up Hector Airport along 19th Avenue. He distributed drawings of the exterior of the proposed hangar. He stated it is getting to be more of a project than he originally intended but he thinks long term it will be a great building on the south side. He stated this building also incorporates Dave Sahl's Fargo Aircraft Maintenance operation.

Mr. Berg said he has two items for the board today, the first being that he will be requesting a ground lease at the next meeting, with possibly a term of 40 years to meet any financing requirements. He stated the next item will be to discuss Phase II which will be expanding the space of the original hangar and possibly getting a Right of First Refusal for that additional ground. He stated right now he is getting the meets and bounds descriptions. He stated the only other issue is to discuss some cost sharing for replacing some of the asphalt pavement with concrete.

Mr. Dobberstein stated the pavement area to which Mr. Berg is referring is to the east of the proposed hangar and south of the existing fence. He stated with the new hangar being constructed to the south and the 19th Avenue access gate being moved, some of the existing vehicle parking would become aircraft parking space and the Airport Authority could look at participating in that cost. He stated our current contract with Northern Improvement is an open contract and we could get the same quantity prices on any additional work.
In answer to a question on timeframe, Mr. Berg stated they are still waiting for studies from the FAA but they have put the building out for bid and they are expecting the bids to come back next week.

Mr. Berg stated with Phase II they will still have to deal with the previous underground tanks and the results of the tests they had done were not anything severe. Mr. Dobberstein stated the State would recommend leaving the soil in place until excavation for the building takes place. He stated the State does not seem to be concerned about this site.
Chairman Blazek stated we are very excited to see this project and thanked Mr. Berg for his investment in the airport.

Other Business:
Ms. Linn gave an update on the compensation review process and meetings with airport stakeholders in the community. She stated all of the interviews have been positive and they have received feedback from those stakeholders. She indicated they would have a written report to present to the board at the next meeting.
Chairman Blazek thanked Ms. Linn and Mr. Kilander for their many hours of work on the process.

Mr. Dobberstein stated we received a notice from Southeast Cass Water Resource District regarding a reassessment of benefits for Cass County Drains #10 and #3. He stated at the same time the City of Fargo is looking at a change in their storm water fees. He stated he attended both meetings held by the City of Fargo. He stated if what the city is proposing is passed, the airport's assessment for storm water fees will go from $900 per year to $114,000 and will slowly creep up to $210,000 over the next three to five years. He stated NDSU, Fargo Park District and the airport make up about 33% of the revenues they are trying to generate and they do not treat one drop of the airport's storm water. He stated we have our own storm water permit and have to meet the Clean Water Act.

Mr. Dobberstein stated this is still just a study at this time but if it is approved in October the large land owners, based on gross area and impervious surfaces, will be hit hard. He stated all of the storm water from the airport drains into Drain #3 and Drain #10. He stated everyone probably agrees we need to pay more to maintain the storm water system but what they are recommending is not equitable. He stated there will be more information to come on this matter.

Mr. Dobberstein stated Frontier Airlines has announced that they will again start service to Fargo but we have not been advised when the service will start.

The meeting of the Municipal Airport Authority was adjourned until the next Regular Meeting to be held Tuesday, August 22, 2017.

Time at adjournment was 8:37 a.m.