
Board of Health

Boards, Commissions & Committees

Board of Health - February 16, 2018 Minutes

Regular Meeting: Friday, February 16, 2018

Present: Vern Bennett, Dinah Goldenberg, Chelsey Matter, John Strand, and Mike Thorstad
Absent: Chris Anderson, MD
Others Present: Larry Anenson, John Baird, MD; Justin Bohrer, MSUM Student Tammy Branden, Robyn Litke Sall, Melissa Perala, and Ruth Roman

Dinah Goldenberg, Chair called the meeting to order.

Announcements: Ruth Roman said there were seven staff from Fargo Cass Public Health that attended the FEMA four-day multi complex coordinated training. Our focus was on the health side with our hospitals and clinics systems. There is always room for improvement for communication. Health systems can communicate better and become a liaison to the NDDoH. Grant Larson said that they are having two sessions of education on Bed Bugs February 22 from 10:00-11:30 and 1:00 to 2:30 at FCPH in the Oak room.

Approve minutes: John Strand made a motion to approve the October 20, 2017 meeting minutes. Mike Thorstad seconded and motion carried.

Budget Report: Melissa Perala presented through year-end 2017. We ended at revenue 103 over budget and 100 percent on expenses. We did 16 budget adjustments in revenue. Vern Bennett asked about the one item on general liability on expenditure side. Auditors’ office sets and it is based on professions covered.

Year End Statistics: Ruth presented statistics. Discussion on Environmental Health inspections, detox clients entering treatment, question from Vern Bennett on Veterans Drop in Center, employee health busy with Police and Fire physicals, and described friendly workplace breastfeeding maternal child health program. Chelsey Matter talked about increasing well child visits and kids immunizations. Ruth Roman said we stress the importance of a medical home. Our community has many pediatricians and family practice doctors and the goal is for every child to have a medical home. FCPH is evaluating our involvement in Health Tracks and will be decreasing our involvement with this program. Ruth Roman said in the Health of America report, North Dakota is first in the nation for HPV first dose.

Health Officer Report: Dr. Baird highlighted the following items in his report: attending Mayors Blue Ribbon Committee meetings, school distribution of Narcan, syringe services program, ambulance oversight meeting, and bromide report.

Accreditation Update and Plans: Justin Bohrer, at the end of December we received an email that they have selected the Site Team. They reviewed and we had 30 days to answer and then resubmit. They will set up a date for onsite visit. Three individuals will be selected. Dinah Goldenberg asked what the time frame is for the actual visit and Justin felt it would be June at the latest. They are reviewing and some updates have been made. John Strand wanted to know if our new facility affects our accreditation and staff felt it would help. Ruth Roman circulated and described quality improvement plan and framework that is being implemented. Much of the plan is based on the ND Department of Health quality improvement plan. Need to focus on quality improvement on population-based activities. Ruth is chairing the quality improvement council for the first year and then will pass it off to Justin Bohrer.

Substance Abuse Update: Robyn Litke Sall shared a video on how much substance abuse costs and the importance of prevention. Discussed updating grant application that pays for treatment at Community Medical Services, which includes four pregnant women. Talked about recovery coaching academy, dispelling myths around syringe services, feedback on Mandan syringe services program, and police giving methadone clinic and syringe services room to operate. Still do have deaths and need to do early prevention and intervention. Dinah Goldenberg said everything Public Health does is relevant.

Election of Officers: Ruth Roman thanked Dinah for her service. Dinah Goldenberg made a motion to nominate Chelsey Matter as Chair. John Stand moved to cast a universal ballot. Mike Thorstad seconded and motion passed. John Strand moved we cast a unanimous ballot for Mike Thorstad as Vice Chair and motion passed.

Next Meeting: April 20, 2018 Reminded about Friday, June 1, 2018 budget meeting.