
Traffic Technical Advisory Committee

Boards, Commissions & Committees

Traffic Technical Advisory Committee - April 5, 2017 Minutes

Members Present: Commissioner Dave Piepkorn, Ben Dow, Jeremy Gorden, Derrick LaPoint, Ryan Erickson, Bill Ahlfeldt
Members Absent: April Walker
Others Present: Jason Baker, James Kringlie

Commissioner Piepkorn called the meeting to order at 3:30 PM.

1. Approve Meeting Minutes from February 1 Meeting

2. 23rd Street South – 100 Block Parking Concerns
The owner and business tenants at 122 23rd Street South signed a petition to allow more on street parking. Currently on the west side of 23rd Street parking is allowed on the north half of the block except during winter parking restrictions. From November until April 15 there is no parking at all on the west side. On the east side there is no on street parking because there are paved parking spots on the street boulevard. In order to modify on street parking signatures showing support from the change should be from the majority of tenants and property owners on the entire block. The intent of the winter no parking restrictions is to have the streets in this area only have parking on one side of the street. Because that is already the case for this block the decision was made to allow year round parking on the west side. On 2nd Avenue South the no parking from November to April 15 will be switched to the south side of the road to allow closer parking to the business.

3. Other Business
A street closure permit was submitted to hold a Bridge Bash on 1st Avenue North bridge between Moorhead and Fargo. Given that 1st Avenue North has higher traffic volumes than NP Avenue there was a preference to move the closure to NP Avenue. The permit will be tabled to have further discussions with the Moorhead Business Association about the permit and proposed location.

With no other business the meeting was adjourned at 4:00PM.