
Housing & Redevelopment Authority

Boards, Commissions & Committees

Housing & Redevelopment Authority - October 10, 2017 Minutes

The annual meeting of the Board of Commissioners for the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Fargo, North Dakota was held October 10th• 2017 at 1 :30 PM in the Main Conference Room, 325 Broadway, and Fargo, North Dakota.

FHRA Staff Present
Lynn Fundingsland, Amy Rissmann, Kris Visness, Scott Noeske, Janet Hahn, McKenzie Rudolph, Jill Elliott, Steve Eickhoff, Marguerite Ronsberg, Caila Strand-Cunha, Tracy Lunak

FHRA Board Members Present
Karen Moore, Michael Leier, Bryce Alme-Johnson, Thomas Jefferson

Addendum to the Consent Agenda
On the travel request portion of the Consent Agenda, the number of staff attending the trainings was adjusted. The request is four staff to attend training in Washington, DC and three to attend training in Atlanta, GA There were edits to be made on the September board meeting minutes. The September board minutes will be put on the consent agenda for the October board meeting.

Consent Agenda
RESOLUTION #2017-10-01
BE IT RESOLVED, the FHRA September Consent Agenda is approved with the addendums.

New Business
Presentation of 2016 Audit
A representative from Eide Bailly explained the results of the 2016 audit.
The annual meeting was closed.

The public hearing meeting was opened to review the Capital Funds Plan and Budget and to review the final 2018 Annual Plan elements. For Annual Plan, rent determination documents included are the HUD published 2018 FMR schedule, the 2018 Payment Standard/Utility Matrix for the HCV and Associated Programs, and the Flat Rent Schedule for Public Housing. Modified documents included arrest history to support the new HUD Mandate of not screening out applicants on arrest.

Admin Plan Chapters revised in 2017 include: Chapter 15 Special Housing Types, Chapter 16 Program Administration, Chapter 18 RAD Project Based Vouchers.
Mr. Eickhoff presented the 2018 Capital fund submission, revised budget and funding amounts for the five-year plan.

The public meeting closed and the annual meeting resumed.

RESOLUTION #2017-10-02
Leier/ Jefferson
BE IT RESOLVED, the FHRA 2018 Admin Plan, ACOP and Capital
Fund is approved.

RESOLUTION #2017-10-03
BE IT RESOLVED, the 2016 FHRA audit is accepted as presented.

Election of Officers
Per the By-Laws, officers are elected at the Annual Meeting. A board chair and vice-chair need to be nominated. Karen Moore was nominated for Chair and Bryce Anderson was nominated for Vice-Chair.

RESOLUTION #2017-10-04
Leier/ Jefferson
BE IT RESOLVED, motions to elect Karen Moore as Chair and Bryce Johnson as Vice-Chair was approved.

Mr. Noeske reviewed the financial reports and compared them with the previous month's
reports. The revenue is behind projections because lower than expected operating subsidies in Public Housing. There have been RAD pre-development costs in General Fund but once closing occurs on New Horizons, most of these costs will be recovered.

Capital Projects
For Scattered Sites properties, the remodels are underway. Work on RAD continues for New Horizons Project. Pre-development started on the conversion of the Lashkowitz Hi-Rise and Pioneer Manor.

Deputy Director
RAB Board met on 9/27/17. Continuum of Care Grants were scored at mid-range for all three, so funding is safe through 2019. ROSS Service Coordinator Grant renewed for three years.

FSS Coordinator Grant submitted. Cooper had a flooding incident where three tenants had to be relocated. A relocation consultant conducted on-site training and wrote a comprehensive manual. A Homeless Portfolio Manager was created and hired. This completed the hiring process for creating a level of portfolio managers for FHRA. Various departments are currently working on 2018 budgets.

Old Business
Updates on New Horizons RAD Project
Staff and consulting legal and development staff continue to supply the myriad documents and reports required by the underwriters for the two lenders and the equity provider for the project. We are working towards a goal of a December 15th closing with all parties, including HUD.
Updates on transfer of LIHTC properties from BSI.

On September 29th, the closing documents for Church Townhomes, 220 Broadway and Herald Square were signed. Due to BSI wanting to avoid a pre-payment penalty on a bridge loan, the property transfers became effective on October 2nd.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. The next meeting is scheduled for November 14th, 2017, at 1:30 PM.