
Community Development Committee

Boards, Commissions & Committees

Community Development Committee - October 17, 2017 Minutes

Regular Meeting: Tuesday, October 17, 2017

The Regular Meeting of the Community Development Committee of the City of Fargo, North Dakota, was held in the City Commission Room at City Hall at 2:30 p.m., Tuesday, October 17, 2017.

The Community Development Committee Members present were as follows:

Present: Commissioner John Strand, Linda Klebe, Shara Fischer, Lynn Fundingsland, Thomas Hill, Sami Eidenschink

Item 1. Welcome
Chairperson Strand welcomed Members to the meeting and introductions were made.

Item 2. Approval Minutes: Regular Meeting of August 15, 2017
Ms. Fischer moved the Order of Agenda be approved as presented. Second by Mr. Hill.
All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.

Mr. Fundingsland moved the minutes of the August 15, 2017 Community Development Committee meeting be approved. Second by Mr. Hill. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.

Item 3. Update from the Skills Development Project on job skills training and education for low-income and New American individuals
Community Development Administrator Dan Mahli introduced this item stating the program began in 2002, and noted the City of Fargo was one of the original partners of this new and innovative program. In honor of the retiring Director of the Skills Development Project, Janie Hulett, Mr. Mahli read a proclamation prepared by Mayor Mahoney recognizing Ms. Hulett and declaring Thursday, October 26, 2017 as Janie Hulett Day.

Ms. Hulett shared the background of how this project/program developed, the types of employment the school trains for, and the process participants complete to achieve their goal of graduation and employment. She stated that staff determines if and when a participant is ready to enter the programs, and highlighted the program’s outcomes and successes.

Member Klebe present.

Board discussion followed regarding how staff addresses language barriers; assistance available for individuals needing additional support before they are ready to participate in the training program; job skills assessed to make sure applicants meet the needs of employers; how the program is promoted in the community; the availability of daycare and transportation for participants; and what more we can do to invest and continue the program’s success.

Deanne Sperling, incoming Director of this project/program, shared her background and experience. She stated she is looking forward to moving the Skills Development Project forward.

Item 4. Update from the Fargo VA Medical Center on housing and support for veterans that are homeless
Diana Hall, Program Director for the VA Medical Center for Homeless Veterans in Fargo, updated the Board on what their program is doing to ensure safety and housing to homeless Veterans locally. She talked about the “housing first” philosophy their program has developed and the success within our community. She thanked the City of Fargo for its partnership at the Gladys Ray Shelter and other places throughout the city.

Ms. Hall shared how the VA’s Homeless Program has evolved over the years; its goal to ensure that every homeless veteran in the area has access to housing and support services; and a vision for collaborative opportunity through a community outreach facility in the future.

Lynn Fundingsland, Executive Director of the Fargo Housing and Redevelopment Authority (FHRA), shared how the FHRA is a partner with the VA by providing HUD Veterans Assistance Housing Vouchers (VASH) to homeless veterans.

Item 5. Update on 2018 Community Development grant application and calendar
Mr. Mahli reported the Community Development Grant applications are due by Friday, October 27, 2017. He explained information in the applications will be compiled into a worksheet for the grant review subcommittee and its recommendations will be presented to the Community Development Committee.

Mr. Mahli also reviewed the items included in the packet for the 2018 Community Development Calendar, the 2018 Community Development Budget, the Community Development Committee’s roles and responsibilities, Community Development Grants funding considerations, scoring criteria, and the various housing and community development programs that currently exist.

Item 6. Discuss creating a subcommittee to study community land trusts
Assistant Planner Tyrone Grandstrand explained that a community land trust (CLT) is an innovative way to offer affordable housing in communities. Chairperson Strand asked for a motion to create a subcommittee and volunteers to serve on the task force. He asked Tyrone Grandstrand to work with the subcommittee.

Mr. Hill moved to create a subcommittee task force to study community land trusts. Second by Ms. Klebe. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.

The following Community Development Committee Members volunteered to serve on the subcommittee: Linda Klebe, Lynn Fundingsland, Shara Fischer, and John Strand. It was also suggested that a representative from the FM Area Foundation be included on the subcommittee.

Item 7. Other Business
No other business was presented.

Item 8. Adjourn
Ms. Klebe moved to adjourn the meeting at 3:40 p.m. Second by Mr. Hill. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.